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Adding F-16 to CrcTI?

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How do i add F-16 to crCTI warfare map? I have installed it, but now i only know where the unit prices are, should i put it some where else too?

Another question is, if i put this map online, what will happen when someone without F-16 mod comes in? Do i need to do something for it to work online?


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I too am curious about this.

I downloaded the OH-58 and was wondering how I could implement this awesome chopper into our crCTI .09 mission's.

Would it be as simple as unpacking the PBO and repacking it with some edit...or would it be the opposite, difficult or not possible?



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Alright, i got answer to first question. I need to unpack the pbo and then go into common folder and find -> InitUnitTypes file and open it in notepad.

From here i can change all unit prices (awesom) and add new ones. so here is the line that made it work for me, not sure it works in mp tho, i still need an answer how to make it work in mp.

add this below F35b line in west vechiles:

unitDefs set [_type, ["F-16C Multirole", 14500, siWest, 90, "GLT_Falcon_MR", stAir, [1, _pilotW,0], sQPlane, [], [],[] ] ]

_type = _type + 1

unitDefs set [_type, ["F-16C GBU", 16500, siWest, 90, "GLT_Falcon_lg_GBU", stAir, [1, _pilotW,0], sQPlane, [], [],[] ] ]

_type = _type + 1

unitDefs set [_type, ["F-16C MK", 16500, siWest, 90, "GLT_Falcon_euro_mk82", stAir, [1, _pilotW,0], sQPlane, [], [],[] ] ]

_type = _type + 1

unitDefs set [_type, ["F-16C MK 2", 16500, siWest, 90, "GLT_Falcon_lg_mk82", stAir, [1, _pilotW,0], sQPlane, [], [],[] ] ]

_type = _type + 1

Now while im in game, i can buy and fly the thing. Tho i get this message soon as the vechile spawns.

Cannot play/edit mission cause file is dependent on downloadable content, or something like that.

after i click ok, i can fly and bomp with it. Even the awesom countermeasures work perfectly. Now i do get shot down by AA, but not as much, also moveing right way seems to affect the hitratio of aa missiles.


Now could someone let me know how this would work in mp or does it all ready?

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To get rid of that message you have to let ArmA2 that youre planning to use a new addon in the game, sometime in the future of running the mission.

- Open the MISSION.SQM file as a text file.

- at the top of file you see something like this;


class Mission
















You just need to add the class name of the F-16 addon pack to the list.

If its the "glt_falcon" then add like below, and save to file, re-PBO. Should be fine.


















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Oh cool. I wonder if for it too work on multiplayer you can simple upload the file to your dedicated server and have others DL the modded mission as they join?

I am going to check it out.



---------- Post added at 01:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 AM ----------

Ok so here is what we need to figure out I suppose, in order to make it work in multiplayer - is how can you get a person connecting to play on your modded crCTI mission, without them having to have the F16 preinstalled/downloaded in their mods folder.

That seems to be the only issue am I right?



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I was pondering, if the F16 could be packed inside the pbo mission.. tho this would make the size quite large...

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There has been talk and experimenting about including addons in Mission files, but whether it works or not is not relevant for most people.

A 64MB airplane addon stuck in EVERY mission file that uses it, is obviously not practical !

With tiny addon believe its possible to include in the mission file. But not wise to do so as it can cause other problems.

Use something like Yoma's Addon Sync instead.

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Alright i will look into it, for now i wount add the F16. Only thing i really want is countermeasures, flares etc.. on aircrafts and tanks. Only must have at the time.


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