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Trying to hookup .PBO files???

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Hello guys,

I have just created a workable deathmatch mission in the mission wizard, using the deathmatch template. The only issue is, I would like to convert that Arma2Missionwizard file to a .pbo in order to play it on our dedicated server.

Can anyone explain how this could be done?



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Been looking for that as well, but could not find anything more relevant than this post when searching for "wizard"...

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cpbo.exe makes files into pbo:s.

however i made the mistake and looked in the wrong place when i exported it to a multiplayer mission, dont know where the wizard saves, but u might wanna look in the game folder instead of my documents.

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The wizard saves the file in my documents\mpmissions, and not in my documents\mpmissions\missionname, and the file is a wizard file and not an sqm nor a pbo.

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cpbo.exe makes files into pbo:s.

Won't work with wizard missions beceause they don't actually produce mission files.

I've never used the wizard really (I think I may have once way back in OFP, don't really remember) but isn't there an option to export it to either single/multiplayer? If not then I'm not sure there's anything you can do. From what I know the wizard creates special files that only the wizard can translate into a playable mission, so just PBOing it won't do, you need a mission.sqm at least.

Edited by Big Dawg KS

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Download the Official ArmA editing Tools theres a program in it called BinPbo which basicly converts a directory to a pbo file.

Yea, still doesn't produce a mission.sqm which wizard files are lacking...

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Would be nice if people who make suggestions would actually check if they work before the suggest them :(

So I assume there is no known solution? Too bad, because the wizard missions could actually become good gameplay with some basic editing, while re-writing them or using something someone else re-wrote is much more difficult.

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try to put the wziard mission in your arma 2 editor folder than open it in the editor and safe the mission as ready arma 2 editor makes mission fils as sqs or what ever and change them in pbo. mybe this helps.

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try to put the wziard mission in your arma 2 editor folder than open it in the editor and safe the mission as ready arma 2 editor makes mission fils as sqs or what ever and change them in pbo. mybe this helps.

This probably also won't work, because the editor will only load .sqm files.

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Would be nice if people who make suggestions would actually check if they work before the suggest them :(.

Is this really that hard? I mean, when you post something like this think how many people are going to waste their time trying something that does not work, instead of you just spending a few minutes to test it once before posting.

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