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Custom unit loadouts POOF?

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OK so I used Arma Edit to build a few load outs for Arma 2, I manually changed the weapons to Silenced Arma 2 weapons so it all works, Im not over weight and Im not using wrong stuff. It all works fine in the editor! When I save and go to host it for an 8 player fight with friends, the weapons all revert back to stock weapons? Is there something I missed? Am I suppost to do something so the Custom Loadouts work in multiplayer?

I looked around and didnt find anything refering to this exactly, so If I missed it sorry and please link me!

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Haha oops I just posted something pretty much exactly like this bout same time as you did... not sure if yours is entirely different since it's for MP tho.

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Ok so its not the same exactly because mine is a multiplayer issue and I have tried all those things that Jdog has told me to try... if anyone else knows why custom weapons loadouts in multiplayer dont work?

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you need to run the script from a trigger - using the init.sqs/sqf or the units init seems to cause a misfire and you dont get the weapons :(

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From a trigger? ok? so I put in a trigger how do I set it up? The mission works fine in Editor and Single player... just not Multiplayer. So its finding the Weapons and stuff, if I need a trigger I would need to know how it should be set up Im a newbie at this Arma stuff.

So now one has any idea?

Edited by joshpc

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