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KC Grimes

Constant Green Smoke Shell

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So I made a simple parachute landing area, but now I want there to be a green smoke shell in the middle of it. So I looked around, found some init code and put that in. It worked, but it only placed the shell there it and it acted like a smoke grenade and stopped spewing smoke after a couple minutes.

This is the INIT Code I put into a Game Logic unit:

Smoke="SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle [(getPos this select 0),(getPos this select 1), 0.5]

So I guess I need some sort of code to extend it or loop it? Any ideas?

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in a game logic put and name the logic GL

Smoke="SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle [(getPos GL select 0),(getPos GL select 1), 0.5];smflag=true

Then place a trigger and set it to anyone not present,repeating.

set the delay to 50secs in all three boxes.

in Cond type

this and smflag

in On Act

Smoke="SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle [(getPos GL select 0),(getPos GL select 1), 0.5];smflag=false

and in On Dea


You will have a repeating trigger spawning one every 50sec.

Edited by F2k Sel

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Eh, thanks for the reply, but it didn't work. Not sure if I am doing something wrong or what. You didn't mention a couple of the options, so I just didn't touch them. Help?

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;1373450']Eh' date=' thanks for the reply, but it didn't work. Not sure if I am doing something wrong or what. You didn't mention a couple of the options, so I just didn't touch them. Help?[/quote']

My mistake I used your script rather than copy my own and forgot about naming the game logic and using gamelogic name in the trigger.

I've updated it and tested it by copying in into the game and it works fine now.

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It's still not working. The Game Logic is working, but something in the trigger isn't right.

Edited by Grimes [3rd ID]

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Make sure there are no units in the trigger area.



Not present


min 50

mid 50

max 50


this and smflag

On Act

Smoke="SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle [(getPos GL select 0),(getPos GL select 1), 0.5];smflag=false

On Dea


and in the game logic named GL

Smoke="SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle [(getPos GL select 0),(getPos GL select 1), 0.5];smflag=true

just check the smflag's are in the right places.

Edited by F2k Sel

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Alright, thank you! It worked perfectly. This was my first trigger, so I thought the Game Logic object had to be inside the trigger, which apparently is not true. :P Again, thanks for the help.

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Om also trying to get this thing working.

When i preview the mission, the grenade is deployed and you can hear the sound of the smoke. But after 1 sec the grenade disappears. Then after 50 sec a new grenade is deployed but also disappears in 1 sec.

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Wasn't smoke broken in 1.03 patch and will or is fixed in the beta patches?

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Sorry to bump this, but I am now having a problem with this method of continuous smoke. The problem was in OA 1.54 as well, I just never got around to messing with it, and its still present in 1.55.

The problem is when I am using the same method as above, the smoke plumes for the first spawned shell but then for the rest it is just a flickery green cloud that barely rises above the ground, obviously providing no cover. Also, somehow this also effects M203 smokes and throwable smokes, causing the same issue.

If anyone could shed any light on this, that would be great. Thanks! :)

Edit: Also, I'm not quite sure why I put this in Configs & Scripting when I made it forever ago, but could an admin move it to the proper forum?

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