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Very important issues

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This might be pedantic in the style of LD, but how do you know you dont like it till you've read it?

Lol, it'll probably get moved anyway as it is OT.

"It's a RAT!!!"


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i had the exact same problem when i was on holiday in cyprus? bunch on cows on the road, blew my horn and nothing? but you`ve guessed it didn`t get my money back from the travel agent? (grow up you twat)

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While doing onsite tech support I found computer enthusiests to be just as bad. They have a tendancy to tinker with everything while tweaking their systems and not record what they have done. 2 months down the track they have issues and can't figure out why, and don't get me started on the custom gaming pc builders, overclocking rigs to just inside stable at room temperature and selling them to new gamers and hoping for the best.

Could be worse though, a lot of the major pc sellers build pcs out of old parts and don't tell the customer.

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While doing onsite tech support I found computer enthusiests to be just as bad. They have a tendancy to tinker with everything while tweaking their systems and not record what they have done. 2 months down the track they have issues and can't figure out why, and don't get me started on the custom gaming pc builders, overclocking rigs to just inside stable at room temperature and selling them to new gamers and hoping for the best.

Could be worse though, a lot of the major pc sellers build pcs out of old parts and don't tell the customer.

Yep, but a lot of the time that is down to inexperience. I never OC my main box. Simple reason : There is no need to. There is no game/app that requires me to run my system OC'd. I OC some systems from time to time but that's more for testing than anything else.

I couldn't agree more with you about custom rigs. An OC that is stable in an A/C'd workshop may well have major issues when it's in the customer's non A/C'd office in Arizona in mid July.


Edited by BangTail

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I think it is okay when new people discover the "pc gaming niche". But they should in some way accept and understand that pc games should be in general directed towards a more mature audience who in general looks for more complex games then those games that can be found on consoles and played within 5 minutes. And because of the very complexity of simulators (dynamic AI and battlefields, complex emulations, modelling etc.) they should consider some "faults" which will be fixed as soon as possible or when the willing group of developers take note of them....And as everybody should have noticed by the many forum posts and stickies, the developers seem to be willing to improve and enhance the quality of the game. There is no reason to cast a slur on the developers just because the game will not run on the first try. As a pc system has so many possible configurations, it is hard to see or to tell, where the real problem can be found. So tweaking is always a part of pc gaming, today maybe even more then in the last decades (when there were games like Falcon, Longbow, F15 etc.) since the modern games become more and more complex (or the other way around on the mainstream market).

Great point ; Are you listening people?????????????????????????????????

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