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Artillary/FireSupport & UAV in Multiplayer

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Hello all.

I am new to Arma and it is quite fun however I am still trying to iron out some wrinkles in this game. I have been playing the crCTI .09 pretty consistently and have a question. Am I able to use artillary pieces such as the MLRS/D30 or Mortor in this particular mode without modification of some files of some sort? Same question on the UAV.

The reason I ask is alot of people have been joining my server and it says "this user has a modified data file". At first I didn't think much of it. But then when I started getting arty dropped on me and couldn't figure out how to do it I began to wonder if it has somthing to do with scripting or what have you.

Any insight into this would be great as well as any links that can explain this.

Thanks alot,


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Anyone? Any input really would be greatly appreciated.



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I don't persoanlly know anything about crCTI, but the modified files you're referring to are probably custom addons for sound and other tweaks, you can get these on arma.info and and armaholic, or just take a look in the addons and mods: completed thread on this forum.

On the other hand they might be custom arty rape cheats, but I doubt that. The mission may well have some sort of artillery support script, I don't know.

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