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Fond fond memories of moments like these....

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Let Nothing Stand In My Way!!!

Just pled ground attack 2. Not exactly a truely epic story, but it made me feel proud of myself. I killed EVERYTHING. The shilka, the whole convoy, and even the mi-24 and the su-25 sent to kill me. I had never done that before, so that was kinda cool. I had taken down the two enemy aircraft before, but never actually gotten credit for the kills, so this was a first for me.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IceFire @ Mar. 17 2002,02:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Darn it Mister Frag!  I would have loved to play that mission!

Oh well.

<Snip><span id='postcolor'>

The little incident I recounted is completely inconsequential to winning (or even playing) the mission, it was just a little twist that Firefox added for the odd chance that someone would wind up in the area that we went to. Chances are that there are other surprises like it elsewhere that I haven't found yet.

Anyway, we have played that mission probably close to two dozen times, and haven't beat it yet. Just surviving the initial assault on Provins and the subsequent counterattack is a real challenge. It's a really well-done mission.

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First Kill? It's been around a year or more now since the demo was first released, roughly. Anyways i remember when OFPN first posted about it's release and the ole mighty LustyPooh and other now experienced Mission scripters were exploring notepad mission design, I can't remember much because i was always an OFP Ace, Cutting down those russkies left and right. wink.gif

Great fun indeed

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The whole game has my FONDNESS! But one of the great things was I believe the THird mission, when you have to make it to the extraction zone because the POOP hit the fan but you end up getting picked up by the rebels at the end!! Well while laying in the woods the the Ruskies are searching in patrols and that Hind flying over head! WOW what a wicked feeling that gave me! Total emmersion! This game is just outstanding with portraying realism and emmersion. Man did the tension get high!

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wow.gif3--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sheriff @ Mar. 17 2002,05wow.gif3)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I can't remember much because i was always an OFP Ace, Cutting down those russkies left and right.  wink.gif

Great fun indeed<span id='postcolor'>

Dont make me laugh biggrin.gif ! No offense, but you were a newbie just like the rest of us, pal. You had to learn too.

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Well, my first kill wasn't that special since it was just the poor lonely Russian in Ambush. Anyways, some great moments.

One of my finest gaming experiences was in that mission when you join the Resistance and go to their base by truck (I can't remember what it's called).

Anyways, we made it through the first checkpoint so I carefully drove the truck to the second one. Then, I heard the guy next to me say something like 'there's a problem' and all of a sudden all hell breaks loose. The guy yells at us to get out of the truck. So I get out and immediately bullets start hitting the truck left and right of me. I take a quick run to the other side of the truck, aim at the officer and kill him. My Resistance mates finished the guy next to him. Then, the Resistance leader commands us to go to the woods on the steep slopes next to the road. More Russian soldiers appear and everybody gets down to try and shoot them. Comrades get shot next to me and we move on into the woods and up the hill, bullets whizzing past us. Then, "12 o'clock enemy soldier, 50". I look through my sights and see uniforms flashing through the trees in in front of me. I move to a better position and blast away. I grab some AK74 mags off a dead soldier and move to the top of the hill where a couple of Russians are waiting. Then, we move on and end up in the cool Resistance castle.

All in all, the action, the scenery, it was very nice indeed.

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Best moment in the game?

Too many to mention they are usualy the human stupidity moments.

Like this: In Red Hammer you have just landed on a beach some where (I dont remember which mission it was long ago or so it seems) You have to attack up hill against the resistance and malitia theres a building at the top a church I think; any way one of the resistance is layed down next to the building behind some bushes.

I throw a couple of pinaples his way and run up to take his position.

Sheet! He is still alive!

He is turing to shoot.

Whats my weapon grenade.

Throw grenade.


to close.

We are both dead.

But the comic timing of it.

In the real world I imagine their faces

His "you crazy idiot"

Mine "Duh"

I laughed till my stomach hurt

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let's see.........hmmm..........I just have the demo and as you may have guessed my first kill was the guy standing there on the hill right as you get into the action.

ya know how once you take the town and the armor rolls up you have to haul arse to the extraction zone to be picked up by a black hawk, just to be shot down? after playing for a while and making this discovery i decided not to go to the extraction zone. I ran the oppisite way as the rest of my team and found my downed comrade with the anti tank rocket and took a pot shot at a tank and killed it. of corse all hell broke loose and i got shot and couldn't get to my medic. I found me a nice spot up on the hill to the north east of the town and laid down. because i shot one of their buddies the tanks didn't just roll on through like they normally do the two i didn't kill stayed. i zoomed in and took out one of the russian officers, one shot one kill hes down. by this time most of the world knew where i was considering the the tanks had spoted me and were shooting right in front of me. now heres the funny thing, like 5 or 6 russians started a full out charge up the hill straight at me. i felt like the guys on the beach on Saveing Privit Ryan, ya know bullets wizzing, the ground around you exploding, the whole nine yards. anyway, the soldiers were probably about 150 yds infront of me and all of the sudden i hear the biggest boom of the whole bombardment, like they all fired at once, and i heared all 5 or 6 attacking soldiers scream. the smoke cleared and all of them were laying in a big black creater. i stood up and ran up towards the woods and found a good spot to hide. apperantly the chopper had crashed by now and the ones the made it to the extraction zone had died. i sent the message that i was all alone and the all knowing big brass told me to go back to base, therefore ending the mission. just thought i'd share biggrin.gif

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That must have been quite fun, paintfreak:D . I love finding new ways around the same missions.

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New Story for ya.

Talk about sabatage! I just got done playing that mission, and OH MY GOD!!! Did i ever cause a rukus! I made my way around Levie, taking out all soldiers i saw, and then i made my way into the woods beside the tank base, because the BMPs were on to me. I went around to the side of the base, and took out everyone i saw with my hk. Took guys out of the tower, everyone running around on the ground was dead in minutes, and then when the coast was clear, i got myself into a T-80! I took out all the tanks, all but one BMP (for the life of me, i couldnt find the damn thing), over 30 infantry guys, the ammo dump, two more trucks, the mi-17, both hinds that showed up (Used the sabot, AI pilots are soooo predictable), and a BMP ambulence! It was amazing that all that is possible for a black op. that unit has sooooo much potential if the player knows where and when and how to use him. Same with the spetz natz too, i'm sure.

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I just realized something. That was the first time i got so many kills that it actually went over into a second page of statistics...................I love this game biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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