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Give all the same waypoint

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Is it possible somehow to place a lot of units on the map, men, armored and cars, select them all and give them the same waypoint at the same time or do I have to give the leaders of all the units a waypoint. I want my whole army to go to a place on the map en seek and destroy. If you don't know what I mean I'll try to explain myself better.

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Create a the WEaypoint on a Script... and then exec the Script on each Unitleader.

_grp = (Group (this select 0));

_grp addWaypoint POSTION;
[_grp,1] setWaypointtype "MOVE";

_grp addWaypoint NEXTPOS;

_grp setCurrentWaypoint [_grp,1];

Use the Script on the Initline of the Unitleader..

[this] execVM "waypoints.sqf";

Edited by R34P3R

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Is it possible somehow to place a lot of units on the map, men, armored and cars, select them all and give them the same waypoint at the same time or do I have to give the leaders of all the units a waypoint. I want my whole army to go to a place on the map en seek and destroy. If you don't know what I mean I'll try to explain myself better.

R34P3R is right.

If coordination matters then you may choose to use some "JOIN" and "JOIN & LEAD" waypoints to sync your forces before going to objective.

See: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Mission_Editor#Waypoints_Mode_.28F4.29

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