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I used this function like this...


_units = 8 + random 2;
_grp = [(getMarkerpos "Markername"),[color="Red"]east[/color],_units] call BIS_fnc_spawngroup;
[_grp, (getMarkerpos "Markername")] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend;

It spawns a group with 8-10 east units on a marker position. The group defends a marker position and man nearby static defenses like MG and so on. Patroling, sit down, and attack enemy units if they are spotted.

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I can never get taskdefend to work. The group never mans static weapons or takes up defensive positions, they just sit around. Thanks for this script I'll give this a try.

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I'm digging out this post because I've noticed that this functions doesn't seem to work in MP. If I put in a trigger nul = [] execVM "campGuard.sqf" , it work fiine in solo , but nothing happens in MP. I've tried to launch the script from the init.sqf, I've checked everything I could , but It looks like function just don't work in MP is it normal ?

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Maybe you must right at first in the script:

if (isserver) then {

_units = 5 + Random 3;
_grp = [(getMarkerpos "defendpos"),east,_units] call bis_fnc_spawngroup;
[_grp, (getMarkerpos "defendpos")] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend;


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:o yes it works.

But I must not have understood the way MP swripting works. I thought that if I didn't wrote the if(isserver)then {... the script would just exec once per client.

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