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Herbal Influence

A big "wow" !

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As I've mentioned in a few other threads, as have walker and a few others around here I believe, I've found that a key to great AI tactics is giving proper orders at the proper time. This also includes just not blindly rushing around looking for a fight.

I agree and you will find a lot of the complainers saying that then this is "Micro managing" IE: "Why should I have to micro manage my team because they are dumb!?" ... makes me smile.

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Jeeeeezz.. the guy is telling you how to do something with Game's AI and you guys... WHO apparently Can't read a word of english jump all over him.

Open your eyes read

I will definitely try this out - thanks Herb

Edited by Majormauser

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i love how the AI helicopters don't ignore infantry any more! i love to just set up a squad in a field or a town and watch an mi24 or a ka52 take out the squad with a carpet rocket attack. i've noticed that the aircraft also do it too! :)

Yeah I noticed that.

I was editing a mission but the enemy choppers full of paratroopers just wouldn't arrive at their destination. For debugging purposes I changed the spawn point to be 200m above my start position.

Lo and behold, the choppers spawned fine. Then they dived straight into the ground and the paratroopers all bailed out to save themselves. After about an hour if this, I realised that I hadn't put the pilots in the choppers in my script...

So once the pilots were in, I spawned them over me with orders to fly to the target. However, they seem to relish the opportunity to peel off and engage targets en route. Impressive.

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Jeeeeezz.. the guy is telling you how to do something with Game's AI and you guys... WHO apparently Can't read a word of english jump all over him.

Open your eyes read

I will definitely try this out - thanks Herb

Just out of confusion, who are you referring too?

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I was on a 2nd story roof last night shooting down at an AI guy on the ground and he stood up and threw a grenade up at me! I had to run away as it landed right where I had been shooting from. I was stunned to say the least it was totally unexpected.

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Oopps - the above scenario can be much more intensive with using "waypoints" for the to sides in editor. Just tell them to meet in the middle and you have a nice fight.

Find easy waypoint-description in new video from BI on Arma2.com or here


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Anybody know a way that you can be the seagull in the editor? Cam scripting seems a bit daunting but also pointless if you want to watc a dynamic battle and not a scripted one.

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player exec "camera.sqs"? I always use those... and press 'L' to remove the crosshair thingy

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player exec "camera.sqs"? I always use those... and press 'L' to remove the crosshair thingy

I always setup a repeating Radio Trigger with:-

player exec "camera.sqs"; showCinemaBorder false;

in the "On Activation" field for checking what AI is upto on missions I am making in the Editor.

You can set Repeating Radio Triggers to slow down time also.

setAccTime 0.5 for 1/2 Speed .

setAccTime 1 Normal Speed.

Heres a quick Demo Mission.


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A two days ago I had a multiplayer game with at least 36 vs 35 persons (Berzerk) !

Another big wow !

Edited by Herbal Influence
wrong numbers

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