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I require aid with the mission editor!

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I'm currently trying to create my very first mission. In the end of the mission I'm trying to give the players helicopter support after they've stayed on an area (trigger) for a while, but I can't figure out how? Is there some kind of a command I can use to make the choppers spawn after the players have stayed on the area long enough?

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Spawning out of thin air can be tricky. It's easier and more realistic to just have them waiting far away.

Try making a group of 2 pilots next to an empty helicopter. Give the group the following waypoints:




Sync the 1: MOVE waypoint to a trigger, they won't proceed past this waypoint until the trigger activates. Place the 2: GET IN waypoint over the empty helicopter. Place the 3: SEARCH AND DESTROY waypoint over the area requiring air support. Might want to give it a time out of a few minutes and then a GET OUT waypoint back at the takeoff point.

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Another way:

1. Place a helicopter somewere and name it heli1 and set its fuel to 0 (when you place it you see the fuel/armour/ammo bars).

2. Give heli1 a waypoint "search and destroy" at your target area.

3. Place a trigger at your target area activated by "your side" and set a delay time (min/max/mid, example: min 30, mid 40, max 50 will make it random (in seconds)) and in the "On act" field type: heli1 setfuel 1

This way the helicopter will sit still untill you are in the triggerzone for a random number of seconds between 30-50 (you can put any number) and then take of. Remember that it will need some time to startup and fly to the target area.

Have fun :)

Edited by Odjob

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Thanks for the help everyone.

Btw, how do you write text into the debriefing, for example some "you win" text when you beat the mission?

And also, how do you change a unit's starting gear?

Maybe I should try the guides.... have to download some opening program then though.

Edited by Kupla

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