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Joining as bird??

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Hey guys,

I have an issue with my mission, when the mission is already on and someone connects they spawn as a bird, not sure if its a ARMA II issue or a mission error.

Could it be because I used disabledAI?

Any help would be really appreciated :)

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Yep. That sounds like the issue. If there's no respawn, and you disable AI units, then there are no living units for join-in-progress players to 'posess'

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What would you suggest I do? Add a respawning script perhaps?

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Either a script for respawning (so you can control them better), activate respawns in the mission's description.ext file, or have AI activated when you play the mission. If you don't want them to follow you (assuming you are grouped) you could just tell them to stop where they are at the start of the mission :)

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Thanks mate :) my options are open it seems. I was thinking of adding a respawing script to my mission so this just makes my choice easier.

Thanks again bud ;)

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this is a bug - when a player disconnects sometimes the AI stays behind and when the next player selects that slot he turns into a bird..

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