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Best way to instruct AI to attack a village?

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I have been playing around for a few days now and have found no easy way simply to instruct an AI controlled squad to attack a village in any way it desires, i have had to add move waypoints which really remove randomness from the mission. I have had similar issues with defending AIs however solved that by placing a "dismissed" waypoint and then a "gaurd" waypoint to make their defence pattern pretty random (if anyone has a better way please do tell).

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"Seek and destroy" waypoints work pretty well. Also, if you set the engagement conditions of a waypoint to "open fire / engage at will," the AI will break formation and generally attack in a more unpredictable fashion, with more flanking maneuvers and such.

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"Seek and destroy" waypoints work pretty well. Also, if you set the engagement conditions of a waypoint to "open fire / engage at will," the AI will break formation and generally attack in a more unpredictable fashion, with more flanking maneuvers and such.

With seek and destroy can you simply place a seek and destroy waypoint in the village and then even if they are 10 miles away they will plot their own path etc?

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Seek and Destroy works much like a "move," except that once they reach an area near the waypoint destination the units will patrol randomly in an area around it looking for enemies. It works best for defensive patrols. If you want them to attack from a completely random direction relative to the village, that will probably require more work.

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The method i described above for the AI defending (dismissed and then guard) is there a better way to make them roam around but still guard an area?

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Also, you can always make the radius of waypoints larger. That way the AI will randomly move to some point in the waypoint radius before continuing to the next one.

I tend to make random patrols with a simple MOVE waypoint with a suitable radius, and then a CYCLE waypoint at the same place with a suitable radius. Makes them wander about quite good and completely randomly.

If you have several groups I suggest you look for the UPS script (Urban Patrol Script). A zone or two with patrols with UPS gives the AI quite good coordination while patrolling around.

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