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Moving all objects from Mission to Intro or Extro

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I've created some objects (units, buildings etc.) and would love to move them into the Intro section. How do I make this?

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Copy your objects and do Shift ctrl V I think, pasting a copy of them into the same position.

Its in the manual.

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Indeed....... reading helps sometimes. Thanks for the reply, anyway.

• Halten Sie Strg und Shift gedrückt und drücken Sie V, um kopierte Objekte an ihrer ursprünglichen Position wieder einzufügen. Dies kann nützlich sein, wenn Sie Einheiten von einer Mission in eine andere kopieren.

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Doig this in the editor can be a bit tricky, if you need exact placement. You can also do it in the mission.sqm itself. Open the file in a text document. Notice that the entries for mission, intro and outro have identical structures. Copy the entries from your intro and paste them over the corresponding part in mission. Thats it. It's fast and very exact.

NOTE: Always make a back up copy of the original mission.sqm before you start. It's easy to delete a semicolon or curled bracer by mistake when you copy & paste, and then your mission will be unplayable and even impossible to open in the editor.

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