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Targeting & Manual Fire aiming (helicopters)

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I'd like to see the programmers of Arma2 to enhance the "Manual Fire" system if you're flying a helicopter for example, same thing for tanks, so when you activate the manual fire in an AH-1 helicopter, then you can actually control the automatic cannon if you hold down, let's say "Left Alt", the button you look around with.

Same thing for tanks, or if any addoncreator can modify the current tanks so that they can be controlled by just one player.

As far as i know the Manual Fire is there to make a single player able to fire the weapons, such as the weapons in the attack helicopters.

And one more thing, about the targeting as pilot when you got Manual Fire activated.

Am i the only one who seem to not be able to target vehicles, aircrafts and ships?

I've tried the "Lock Target", it doesn't work.

I've also tried the "Next Target", it doesn't work either.

Making the targeting system better and more reliable would be a +

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I support this idea!

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Great idea! I'd love to be able to do that rather than try to line myself up every time I want to shoot after my gunner dies or bails out on me.

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I started to try holding down Alt for freelook, and then rightclicking randomly to spot targets by accident.

Then I tried pressing TAB.

Alt+TAB = no so smart.

I'm going back to flying taxi. I'll wait until I get a wingman before attempting combat again.

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Would it be possible to get dumb fires on swivel mount please.

You know, up and down, might stop a lot of AI crashing into trees if they are correctly mounted so that they can be fired from a hovering position.

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Pilots cannot have turrets.

And animals can't talk human language

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I would be all for the headtracking on a chopper..Using freetrack/trackir to enable head-movement targeting acquisition would be awesome.

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