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Starting missions inside a vehicle but with vehicle ungrouped with squad

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Hey all,

Ive been trying to get my section to start the mission inside a vehicle, I can get them to spawn inside the vehicle, however, once I assign a waypoint the vehicle deos not move unless I make the vehicle a higher rank than the player.

is there a command to either group the three vehicle together and to have my my fireteam spawn inside them in an independant group so the vehicles can drop them off at another location?



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Depends on if you want to be in an empty or AI controlled vehicle. If you want an empty one place an empty vehicle on the map then name it something, say "veh1". Now place a few players on the map then in the init box of each player put:

this moveindriver veh1;

then in another player's init box put:

this moveingunner veh1;

And in another:

this moveincargo veh1;

And if the vehicle has a commander seat:

this moveincommander veh1;

If you want to start all units in the back of an AI controlled APC, or the likes, put this in the unit's init box:

this moveincargo veh1;

Just make sure you dont have the AI controlled vehicle grouped to the squad you want to start in that vehicle.

There are a few other ways to do it but this is a fairly basic way.

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thankyou for your help, works a treat

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Hello, the editing so far makes sense. But I don't get the AI in the cargo to disembark at a transport unload waypoint. I'm using this script "this moveincargo veh1;".

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u can add this line to the leader of the group to make things alot easier :)

{_x moveincargo boat1} foreach units group this

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