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Looking for help developing a 12 man co-op story campaign

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I am currently developing a series of missions that follow a story campaign for Arma 2. I want to release each as an episode. Sort of like the Band of Brothers TV show only playable. Each mission will be around 30 min to an hour long and will be 12 player co-op compatible. I don't want to give away story spoilers but here are the episode names and how far I am in creating each (I just use vanilla editing options as of now and whatever addons I find).

Season 1

Episode 1 "End Game" - early alpha

Episode 2 "Where is my backup?" - early alpha

Episode 3 "Get out of my house!" - concept

Episode 4 "Taking out what is ours." -late alpha

Episode 5 "Like bees to honey." - concept

What I need are:

-People talented in putting dialogue into Arma 2 (at first just text but later possibly voice acted, if its not a huge hassle)

-Someone talented in creating a few models, aka planes, trucks, buildings, etc. (don't need a lot of new stuff but may need one or two that aren't already available.)

-People talented at world building (aka object placement and/or texturing/morphing)

-Others talented at scripting

-Possibly someone to create a website if we can get this puppy off the ground.

-Beta testers both with and without editor experience

I am writing the script as I create each mission but I don't understand (or have the time to learn) how to create the dialogue similar to the way it is done in single player. I envision the first season being 7 or 8 episodes long. Mission design is more like scenarios aka not open world.

I guess I am essentially creating a mod team, lol. Got this same thing up on other websites as well.

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About getting chat to show up:

_soldierOne sideChat "Show this text"

That is how to get text to show up in a radio message. It should be blue text.

Biki: SideChat

There is also groupchat, globalchat and vehicle chat I believe.

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Hey thanks! I can do the cheesy text type dialogue found in ARMA 1 but it isnt very professional. Was hopping there was some guru around that wanted to work on a project.

Guess not many people are interested in teaming up on a mod project :confused: .

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To be honest, this sounds like every n00b's pipedream idea, which ends up dead in the water. Learn to do what you want from basics up, and people will be happy to help with individual problems. Going out there and asking for what appears to be a wishlist of work done for you isn't going to elicit a massively productive response in my opinion.

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To be honest, this sounds like every n00b's pipedream idea, which ends up dead in the water. Learn to do what you want from basics up, and people will be happy to help with individual problems. Going out there and asking for what appears to be a wishlist of work done for you isn't going to elicit a massively productive response in my opinion.

Hmm, guess I can see that. Guess I'll just get all of the maps finished and then host matches and see what people think of the combat.

I am a mostly a writer but this Arma 2 editing is rather easy so I can do it all myself. Don't know what you mean about it being a pipedream since you can finish the entire combat portion of a mission in about 5-10 hours. From there it is just Intro, ending and dialogue.

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I think the way to go is see how much in general you can do, then where you need specific help on certain issues then ask the forum. At the moment many of us are too involved in making our own missions and learning the editor and scripting to work on a specific mod project.

Give it some time before thinking nobody is willing to help.

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