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Trouble hosting lan game

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I am having trouble hosting a Lan game. I can get to the loading screen and pick what map i want to use, but when it is time to choose sides no players show up, including me the host. I have ver. 1.46 and the rest of the game works fine. On my second computer I can host just fine and I can connect to that with my first computer. Any help would be great

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We need details about the system you are running OFP on. However, if you are using Windows XP, you are probably butting heads with the Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) -- you'll have to open up the ports required by OFP or disable the ICF completely.

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Hey Nich,

Make sure that each PC has a IP address assigned to it.

Go to Control Panel, Network and assign each PC an address like this:

Also, make sure you have TCP/IP protocal enabled.


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Just for clarification, you should not manually assign IP addresses to the systems on your network unless you don't have a DHCP server.

Next, I would run the DirectX diagnostics (DXDIAG.EXE), click on the Network tab, and test the TCP/IP connection between any two systems that are unable to communicate. Make sure you use the same port number that OFP is configured for; if DXDIAG can't communicate between your systems, OFP won't be able to, either.

Speaking of port numbers, is it possible that the server and clients don't use the same port numbers?

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