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Campaign + Multiplayer "Receiving..." bug

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Whenever I get into any multiplayer game, within 3 minutes my screen goes black and it simply does "Receiving..." in an infinite loop. I Cannot talk, cannot goto menu. I can only CAD the game.

For singleplayer, this happens frequently but not in an infinite loop. Nevertheless, it happens enough during firefights to get me killed. It primarily happens during the Dogs of War mission (and the one prior to it - these are the ones where you have to capture towns). Has anyone noticed this before? I was wondering if there might be a quick fix before I simply reinstall the game from scratch on steam.


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the fix for this is:

go to video settings > advanced and turn down the Graphics memory (or whatever it's called). It's the second dropdown on the left.

that prevents it from happening, it will probably lower your game's looks but atleast you can play the damn game until they bring out a patch for it.

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