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Dogs of War - Without Night Vision goggles???

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Hi everyone,

I saw single posts about that "issue", but couldn`t find any answer to that, therefore I would like to mention it here.

During my "Dogs of War" campaign mission it got dark and I was wondering, where the Night Vision goggles are hidden?

None of my team mates is carrying one and they don`t show up in the "buy weapons" menu. Where are they???

Or are we supposed to finish this mission before nightfall? At the beginning I was taking the cities with a tank, which was also weird, because the spotlight is just covering the area where the gun is pointing and the weak bicycle lamp for the driver seems not illuminating anything...

Anyway, in the middle of nowhere an AT enemy ended my night-cruising and what next? Do I have to find my way to a near friendly city only with the map?

Do I have to increase the gamma value of my monitor until I can recognize some structures or trees in which I get stuck wandering through the night?

If not Night Vision at least a small flashlight would be much appreciated. Or am I missing something?

At least I hope I miss something and someone of you can point me in the right direction, otherwise ...how am I supposed to continue? (cry)

Fast forward through the night with only 4 times faster than normal speed?

Oh, and, of course night time is also the prime time for the enemy AI, as it seems they hit you with even more precision than during the day...

I also want what these guys have!

Does anyone have an idea how to work around this "issue"?

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1. Lace a road with satchel charges

2. Plant a scantily clad girl on the front of your tank

3. Wait for her to attract a spetnaz team

4. Blow them up

5. Steal NVGs


7. Profit

Alternatively, wait for the next patch to fix the mission (or unPBO and fix yourself if you know how), since it's utterly broken in so many ways.

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I scavenged night vision off an enemy officer when I noticed dusk coming on.

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Hm, at dusk I also got this idea, but then only stumbled over trucks and jeeps and their drivers until night time. :-(

But thanks for the tip, I hope eventually I can make it back to base and then I will buy three Mi-24 Hinds and hope that will put enough light on the battlefield to find myself an officer. :-)

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Wut? You can buy choppers on Dogs of War (edited ;))?

I built 5 Aircraft factories and none of them produced anything.

While buying new gear I lost my NV goggles too. All my killed enemies had NV goggles. Just had to see enough to walk to the corpse :P

Edited by Väinämöinen

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dogs of war,

I have nv,but if you buy new weapons you seem to loose your nv.

I have 3 air factorys ,,but cant build any choppers.(do i have to take the air field so i can build choppers).

iv have to disband at least 4 different tanks ,,(cos they turned upside down) i can only build t-72 now ,,cant build any more t-90.

(needs some auto thing to turn tanks back over)

seems like u can only fast travel with your 4 razor team.

kind of bored driving around taken towns ,and u get a task failed if,,you dont take them before some other guys take em.

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I just built one factory of each kind the construction menu offers, I haven`t captured any airfield hangar or so.

From that initial "Helipad" I`m able to purchase helis. Yet, all vehicles arrive with crew, although the manual is talking about ordering units should be possible without a crew and since for no reason the game doesn`t accept the "F7" key on my keyboard it is a huge effort to clear all the vehicles first, before I can mount them with my team. :-(

That you can`t buy helis is probably just another bug and since a few people seem to have no problems with frozen A.I., I guess everyone of us has to fight with his individual bug infested version of the game. Probably the serial key creates a random list of bugs for each player...

That`s what they meant with never the same game experience twice... ;-)

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haah.. people, REMEMBER : befor bying weapon go somewhere and press "G" ,then lay down all necessary things like nite vision GOGLE, after going bying weapon and then going to there place where u leave your equipment =) it simple

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yea i think think the first 2 air factory's were build from previous mission.i just built and extra 1 on dogs of war.

its a pity u cant build empty tanks and ,,,just empty,,so u can crew them your self.

might try blowing up air factory s ,,or destory all in my own base ,,maigt take ages.

probably my own team will kill me if i try that.

oh yea razor team shows up in red when i look at them .. friendlys are green and enemy red ,,so my team is enemy.

Edited by cuppa

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I don't have NV google ISSUE here. Even if I buy some WEAPONS.

But, the CHOPPERS do not appear in my MENU LIST to buy.

SERIAL RAMDOM BUG ? Who got this IDEA ? Kidding ?

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Not having goggles is much more fun than having it! You get to cluelessly search for some random corpses in the dark, and finally feel how a person wearing glasses feels when he loses 'em. And you won't believe the relief when you finally get to find them and put them on (if you do find them before you die, or course). Sometimes I even think BI did that on a purpose. With all the bugs, it's not a military simulator, it's a survival horror game with tanks, bazookas and whatnot!

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You can drop your goggles and retrieve them after buying new weapons. Trying to the tiny things completely blind is the real lost-your-glasses experience. I had to line up a bunch of trucks to use their headlights.

Pain in the ass.

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