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Selecting weapons in briefing?

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I had my first OFP multiplayer game a few days ago with a few friends (only ever played it singleplayer before that). Generally it all worked well, but there was one minor thing that bugged us.

We found that only the squad leader could change weapons on the 'GEAR' tab in the briefing screen, everyone else was either stuck with the weapons that were assigned by default - or had to ask whoever was squad leader to change their weapons for them (very tedious).

Is there an option somewhere to enable anyone to change their weapons in the briefing, not just the squad leader?



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Just like in SP missions the squad leader selects weapons for the the whole squad in MP as well. That is if weapons are available. Each player can not select their own weapon.

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A possible quick workaround when making the mission is to make it so each playable soldiers are NOT in 1 group, if each soldier is alone it is then considered each soldier is a squad, being his own leader.

This way each playable soldier will be able to change their gear in the briefing.

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hmm that's a bit of a pain. Since that means each member either needs their own set of waypoints and synchronisers, or all the groups need to be joined together on start.

I'll have a go and see if I can make it work.



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You should keep in mind that the available weapons assigned in description.ext are local. Meaning that if you only gave the players, for example, one available RPG launcher, every player can equip it. Even if another player already took it from the available weapons for himself, other players would still see it available for themselfs and take it.

In my opinion, the best way would be to put a weapons crate at the starting location of the mission...

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Right, these are actually all small team "special forces" missions. I'm also playing them with a select group of friends, so there's no question of people not being trusted.

As a result people are allowed to take whatever gear they like, there is no shortage of anything so it's simply a question of what is most appropriate for the mission. If everyone wants to take an RPG that's fine, although for most mission we wouldn't because we'd think that was a bit silly :)

Generally weapons crates are a bit of a pain for SF missions, the reason is that you want any gear to be available and there's no crate that contains all possible options. So you end up searching between multiple crates for the item you want .. Hence the preference for using description.ext

Edited by Tomsk

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Special forces even dosen't not always have all they desire, maby make part of the challenge to select the right kit for the right person for the mission.


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We generally have someone fill each role (team leader, automatic rifleman, demolitions, etc.) so it's more a case of customisation. Someone would prefer to take an extra smoke grenade, or would prefer the ACOG to the reflex sight. Trying to get one person to administer all this is a real pain, particularly since if I ask the team leader to change my gear I have to explain what I'd like, and I can't see the changes he's made, so he has to explain what he's done. It was just taking up way too much of our time.

So ... I put everyone in their own group. When the mission starts a script automatically joins all the groups to the leader group. Problem solved :)

Note: if anyone else tries to do this the only minor problem is that when you are in the briefing screen the mission init scripts have already run. This means that if you just put "join" in the init script it joins too early. I solved this by detecting whether the player had moved from their start position, and if they have then they are joined to the leader team. This works, but perhaps there is a better way to do this so that it only runs the script when the mission really has started ...

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Note: if anyone else tries to do this the only minor problem is that when you are in the briefing screen the mission init scripts have already run. This means that if you just put "join" in the init script it joins too early. I solved this by detecting whether the player had moved from their start position, and if they have then they are joined to the leader team. This works, but perhaps there is a better way to do this so that it only runs the script when the mission really has started ...

The time command might be useful. I don't think the timer starts in the briefing, but only after the admin starts the game, so simply make a trigger with condition: time > 1 and on the activation field make the units join the leader. :)

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Thanks I'll try that :)

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