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Undefined base class, help.

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I want to make a simple (its not that simple IMHO) addon but I cant go through all this classes etc.


Why my addon is not showed in Editor ?

What im doing wrong ?

#define ReadAndWrite 0

#define ReadAndCreate 1

#define ReadOnly 2

#define ReadOnlyVerified 3

#define TEast 0

#define TWest 1

#define TGuerrila 2

#define TCivilian 3

#define TSideUnknown 4

#define TEnemy 5

#define TFriendly 6

#define TLogic 7

#define private 0

#define protected 1

#define public 2

#define true 1

#define false 0

class CfgPatches {

class AH1_AG {

units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.100000;

requiredAddons[] = {};



class CfgVehicles {

class Helicopter; // External class reference

class AH1_AG : Helicopter {

scope = private;

side = TWest;

faction = USMC;

displayName = $STR_AH1AG;

selectionHRotorStill = "mainRotorStatic";

selectionHRotorMove = "mainRotorBlurred";

selectionVRotorStill = "tailRotorStatic";

selectionVRotorMove = "tailRotorBlurred";

memoryPointLMissile = "Missile_1";

memoryPointRMissile = "Missile_2";

memoryPointLRocket = "Rocket_1";

memoryPointRRocket = "Rocket_2";

selectionFireAnim = "muzzleflash";

crew = "USMC_Soldier_Pilot";

vehicleClass = "Air";

accuracy = 1000; // accuracy needed to recognize type of this target

driverAction = "AH1Z_Pilot";

memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos_driver";

memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos_driver_dir";

getInAction = "GetInHigh";

getOutAction = "GetOutHigh";

maxSpeed = 270; // max speed on level road, km/h

typicalCargo[] = {"USMC_Soldier_Pilot", "USMC_Soldier_Pilot"};

driverCompartments = "Compartment1";

soundGetIn[] = {"ca\sounds\air\noises\heli_door_01", db-10, 1};

soundGetOut[] = {"ca\sounds\air\noises\heli_door_01", db-10, 1, 50};

soundDammage[] = {"ca\sounds\air\noises\alarm_loop1", 0.001, 1};

soundEngineOnInt[] = {"ca\sounds\Air\UH1Y\int\int-start-final", 0.0316228, 1.0};

soundEngineOnExt[] = {"ca\sounds\Air\UH1Y\ext\ext-motor-start", 1.77828, 1.0, 700};

soundEngineOffInt[] = {"ca\sounds\Air\UH1Y\int\int-stop-final", 0.0316228, 1.0};

soundEngineOffExt[] = {"ca\sounds\Air\UH1Y\ext\ext-motor-stop", 1.77828, 1.0, 700};

armor = 60;

damageResistance = 0.00593;

cost = 10000000;

model = "\ca\air\ah1z";

picture = "\ca\air\data\ico\ah1z_CA.paa";

mapSize = 15.5;

Icon = "\ca\air\data\map_ico\icomap_ah1z_CA.paa";

weapons[] = {};

magazines[] = {};

class Turrets;

class MainTurret;

class Dzialko : MainTurret {

gunnerAction = "AH1Z_Gunner";

gunnerInAction = "AH1Z_Gunner";

gunnerCompartments = "Compartment2";

weapons[] = {M197, "HellfireLauncher", "HellfireLauncher", "SidewinderLaucher_AH1Z"};

magazines[] = {"750Rnd_M197_AH1", "8Rnd_Hellfire", "8Rnd_Hellfire", "2Rnd_Sidewinder_AH1Z"};

memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos_gunner";

memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos_gunner_dir";

gunnerGetInAction = "GetInHigh";

gunnerGetOutAction = "GetOutHigh";

memoryPointGun = "machinegun";

minElev = -60;

maxElev = 10;

initElev = 0;

minTurn = -70;

maxTurn = 70;

initTurn = 0;

gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\air\optika_AH1Z";

gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {"TankCommanderOptics1", BWTV};

enableManualFire = 1;

class ViewOptics {

initAngleX = 0;

minAngleX = -30;

maxAngleX = 30;

initAngleY = 0;

minAngleY = -100;

maxAngleY = 100;

initFov = 0.155;

minFov = 0.047;

maxFov = 0.155;




// threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types

threat[] = {0.3, 1, 0.8};

laserScanner = true;


class Plane;

class AV8B2 : Plane {

scope = public;

crew = "USMC_Soldier_Pilot";

destrType = "DestructWreck";

model = "\ca\air\av8b2";

picture = "\ca\air\data\ico\av8b_CA.paa";

Icon = "\ca\air\data\map_ico\icomap_AV8B_CA.paa";

mapSize = 14;

side = TWest;

faction = USMC;

displayName = $STR_AV8BAA;

vehicleClass = "Air";

accuracy = 0.3; // accuracy needed to recognize type of this target

typicalCargo[] = {"USMC_Soldier_Pilot"};

irScanRangeMin = 3500;

driverAction = "AV8B_Pilot";

laserScanner = true;

dustEffect = "HeliDust";

waterEffect = "HeliWater";

memoryPointLRocket = "L raketa";

memoryPointRRocket = "P raketa";

maxSpeed = 1040; // max speed on level road, km/h

landingSpeed = 200;

vtol = 1;

aileronSensitivity = 0.8; // relative aileron sensitivity

elevatorSensitivity = 0.6; // relative elevator sensitivity

envelope[] = {0.0, 0.2, 1.2, 3.0, 5.1, 7.0, 7.3, 7, 6.3, 5.2, 3.8, 1.8, 0.5, 0};

armor = 40;

damageResistance = 0.01246;

cost = 20000000;

weapons[] = {GAU12, "SidewinderLaucher_AH1Z", "SidewinderLaucher_AH1Z", "SidewinderLaucher_AH1Z"};

magazines[] = {"300Rnd_25mm_GAU12", "2Rnd_Sidewinder_AH1Z", "2Rnd_Sidewinder_AH1Z", "2Rnd_Sidewinder_AH1Z"};

insideSoundCoef = 0.2;

fov = 0.5;

gunAimDown = 0.07;

type = VAir;

// threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types

threat[] = {0.1, 0.1, 1};


class AV8B : AV8B2 {

model = "\ca\air\av8b";

displayName = $STR_AV8BAG;

accuracy = 1000; // accuracy needed to recognize type of this target

// threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types

threat[] = {1, 1, 0.1};

weapons[] = {GAU12, "BombLauncher", "BombLauncher"};

magazines[] = {"300Rnd_25mm_GAU12", "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B", "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B"};




Now, at starting armaII i got this:

file moreair\config.cpp,line 270: /CfgVehicles/Helicopter.AnimationSources: Undefined Base Class 'Animation Sources'

As i remember in OFP its was not neccessary to copy and paste half config file to make addon. Just define important classes in right order,change specified parameters wich u want and that's all.

Please tell me where is the mistake(s) here in this cpp.


Thank's a lot and sorry for bad english.

Edited by logimenn
another problem

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when ever you need to call a base class from ARMA II you gotta use

/*extern*/ class Air;

for example. i dont know exactly the class name for what you need. but its something like this:

class CfgVehicles


class AllVehicles;

class Air: AllVehicles


/*extern*/ class NewTurret;

/*extern*/ class Air;


class Plane {

/*extern*/ class ViewPilot;


class av8b2: Plane



and you gotta delete the class turrets; and class mainturrets;

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Ok, thanks lonewolf_campi

Now i have something like this and error : CfgVehicles, encountered "{" instead of "=", line 45

class CfgPatches {

class AH1_AG {

units[] = {ah1_ag};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.100000;

requiredAddons[] = {"CAWeapons", "CAAir"};



class CfgVehicleClasses {

access = ReadAndCreate;

class AH1_AG {

displayName = $STR_VEHICLECLASS;



class CfgVehicles {

class AllVehicles;

class Air: AllVehicles {

/*extern*/ class NewTurret;

/*extern*/ class Air;


class Helicopter; // External class reference

class AH1_AG : Helicopter {

scope = private;

side = TWest;

faction = USMC;

displayName = $STR_AH1AG;

maxSpeed = 270; // max speed on level road, km/h

weapons[] = {M197, "HellfireLauncher", "HellfireLauncher", "SidewinderLaucher_AH1Z"};

magazines[] = {"750Rnd_M197_AH1", "8Rnd_Hellfire", "8Rnd_Hellfire", "2Rnd_Sidewinder_AH1Z"};

// threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types

threat[] = {0.3, 1, 0.8};

laserScanner = true;


class Plane; {

/*extern*/ class ViewPilot;


class AV8B2 : Plane {

scope = public;

side = TWest;

faction = USMC;

displayName = $STR_AV8BAA;

weapons[] = {GAU12, "SidewinderLaucher_AH1Z", "SidewinderLaucher_AH1Z", "SidewinderLaucher_AH1Z"};

magazines[] = {"300Rnd_25mm_GAU12", "2Rnd_Sidewinder_AH1Z", "2Rnd_Sidewinder_AH1Z", "2Rnd_Sidewinder_AH1Z"};

// threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types

threat[] = {0.1, 0.1, 1};


class AV8B : AV8B2 {

model = "\ca\air\av8b";

displayName = $STR_AV8BAG;

// threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types

threat[] = {1, 1, 0.1};

weapons[] = {GAU12, "BombLauncher", "BombLauncher"};

magazines[] = {"300Rnd_25mm_GAU12", "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B", "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B"};




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     class Plane; {
   /*extern*/ class ViewPilot;

Remove the ';' after Plane

btw, there is no need to include the comment /*extern*/ for classes that are inherited from elsewhere.


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thanks Planck Ill try this tomorrow :)


Still my addons didnt show up in editor :( Whats wrong with this ?

Edited by logimenn

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On your CfgPatches, maybe you should have it like

units[] = {"ah1_ag"};

instead of

units[] = {ah1_ag};

(In case you don't see: the "'s are the difference.)

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On your CfgPatches, maybe you should have it like

units[] = {"ah1_ag"};

instead of

units[] = {ah1_ag};

(In case you don't see: the "'s are the difference.)

Didn't work. Any other suggestions ? :)

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you could set the scope of your Ah_1ag to "public"; that might help.

If not, delete your whole vehicleClass definition and try again.

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