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FADE or just bugs?

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I have the Steam version of Arma II and I've noticed a few odd happenings in game. I'd like some feedback from BI re: whether this is false-positive FADE triggering, or simply a bug.

- See units in the distance with zoom, or binocs, when I approach they are vanished. The 2 examples were first an APC (definitely in audio range, vanished without a trace as I approached the area (no sound of its engine), secondly I saw a troop transport truck and several soldiers in a village from the outskirts (I was roughly 200m away) I approached from flank and when I arrive everything is gone, troops, and truck. Again - no audio heard for the vehicle if it had just left the are unnoticed.

- Sometimes I look down iron-sight, run around for a bit (in third person) and my POV camera swivels 90 degrees to the right (so I am looking at my soldier in profile). It then is stuck in this position regardless of what I do - switch soldiers, save, reload, still stuck in this view which is maddening. I have to revert to an earlier save to remedy this. Has happened twice.

Any feedback would be great.

Edited by jaundiced

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nobody? Dwarden? anyone from BI confirm or deny that these are aspects related to false positive FADE triggering - or just a bug?

I'm more concerned about the camera bug personally.. makes it unplayable and effectively wipes out my progress when it happens.

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Are you sure that there are no conflicts on your keyboard configuration? Arma has a lot of ways to trick you with all those look/free look/look left etc...

This happened to me once or twice. My FOV locked and I was looking over my shoulder until I restarted the game.

I haven't heard anyone having units disappear though.

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Are you sure that there are no conflicts on your keyboard configuration? Arma has a lot of ways to trick you with all those look/free look/look left etc...

This happened to me once or twice. My FOV locked and I was looking over my shoulder until I restarted the game.

I haven't heard anyone having units disappear though.

thanks for the help! it didn't even occur to me that this could be related to a keymapping issue.

will report back.

units disappearing is odd - but doesn't seem fade related personally. i'm guessing its just a bug... i've only experienced it twice in about 20 hours of gaming so it's not a major deal.

UPDATE - didn't work. those buttons look but have a swing built in to reposition to center. when it happens for me it can't swival, stuck looking right, and further to this - the characters head swivels when looking normally. when i have this bug it does not swivel - he is looking straight ahead.

Edited by jaundiced

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So your head is stuck looking right? Have you tried pressing LEFT-ALT 2x? L-ALT is free look, pressing it twice locks it on.

And the units disappearing is maybe from the ambient combat module resetting the units, I've had a t-90 group disappear while it was on its way to attack me. I put it down to ACM deleting units that had been on map for a while.

Edited by Nazul

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- See units in the distance with zoom, or binocs, when I approach they are vanished. The 2 examples were first an APC (definitely in audio range, vanished without a trace as I approached the area (no sound of its engine), secondly I saw a troop transport truck and several soldiers in a village from the outskirts (I was roughly 200m away) I approached from flank and when I arrive everything is gone, troops, and truck. Again - no audio heard for the vehicle if it had just left the are unnoticed.

Any feedback would be great.

That sent shivers down my spine. Ever thought of writing a unexplained mystery novel ;)

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do you happened to play in the editor with ACM(Ambient Combat Module)? those things spawn units all over the place and after a while they(unit spawned) will dissapear... though i dont think they should dissapear after you approached them

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So your head is stuck looking right? Have you tried pressing LEFT-ALT 2x? L-ALT is free look, pressing it twice locks it on.

And the units disappearing is maybe from the ambient combat module resetting the units, I've had a t-90 group disappear while it was on its way to attack me. I put it down to ACM deleting units that had been on map for a while.

the camera is locked in a 'look left' position in third person. not right, sorry for confusion. but it is more extreme than the look left control if that makes sense. it has my character in perfect profile as opposed to the angled look you get if you press the numpad button.

it is definitely not free look - i checked this after it was suggested it might be a keymapping problem. but being in free look is the only way i can replicate the angle.

when i am stuck like this moving my mouse acts like it normally would, avatar moves in those directions (put movement controls are reversed to accommodate the angle, i.e. forward / back are left / right, etc) camera stays locked looking to the left with the character in profile. i can still fire and do everything i'd normally do, just cant change the view to look forward - just snaps back...

---------- Post added at 03:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ----------

do you happened to play in the editor with ACM(Ambient Combat Module)? those things spawn units all over the place and after a while they(unit spawned) will dissapear... though i dont think they should dissapear after you approached them

this was in normal SP campaign, manhattan portion.

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can someone from BI comment on this? does this seem like FADE behaviour? or simply a bug? if I'm getting false FADE triggers in a legal version i'd really like to know...

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