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More map zoom?

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Anyone else think it would be helpful if during the game you could zoom in a bit more on the tactical map,possibly to the degree you can in the editor?as it stands at the moment its kind of hard to position troops exactly where you want them when setting up ambushes & so forth!prime example being when playing the rather good single player "morning assault" map posted in user missions,i wanted to get my troops hidden along the tree line but still just inside cover before ordering them to fire on the town when everyone was in position,but when i sent troops to the edge of the wood they actually stepped outside it by about 5 metres & the enemy immediately started shooting,with a bit more zoom i could have put them exactly where i wanted them!

Edited by trickster1982

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if you put them in "Danger" stance they will find the closest cover and use it. I think this is why you can't zoom in so far because you shouldn't need to micromanage the AI as much as in Arma or OFP.

There's also a command to find cover so if you come under an attack or ambush they will try to get to cover; but it's less specific

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if you put them in "Danger" stance they will find the closest cover and use it. I think this is why you can't zoom in so far because you shouldn't need to micromanage the AI as much as in Arma or OFP.

There's also a command to find cover so if you come under an attack or ambush they will try to get to cover; but it's less specific

Yeah ive tried those options,problem is when i tell them to find cover they dont get behind anything as such like walls,trees or whatever is close by,they just tend to back off a bit & still stand out in the open while switching positions a bit

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The minimum and maximum zoom levels for the map are coded in the island's PBO

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