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Aiming like im on steroids

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I don't see how you can say that when the requirements are for a 7800 card with 256 mb ram and I am running a 9300 with 512 mb ram and the 9300 is faster and stronger than the 7800 ... I know of two people with similar systems and lower cards that can run it fine and do not experience the delay.

Again - I didn't say choppy - I said there is a full one or two second delay from the time I move the mouse and when the aim point moves on the screen.

Not trying to be rude (I have seen the same thing in several places in this forum where someone is VERY explicit and concise in what they say and people are still confused by what they mean) - but I don't see how I can explain the problem any better than what I have.

My video card is well ABOVE what is required - as is my ram and cpu's etc.

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I don't think it's performance related, and yes I've seen another user post a youtube video of the delay and am not sure what is causing it (maybe a cpu to gpu bottleneck, search these forums for a test on that)

Also not trying to be rude but the 9300GS is actually below minimum specs, which is why I was curious how it plays and what resolution/settings you run on.

For comparison, have a look here http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/video_lookup.php?cpu=GeForce+9300+GS

Has a nice chart that shows the 9300 GS in comparison to other cards. The 9300 GS suffering from being a low end card (designed for mobile graphics) and being an older processor (some of the high end older processors have an issue with Arma 2)

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I don't see how that is possible when the 9300 is much newer than the 7800. And it isn't a mobile card.

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Quite a few people have reported having mouse lag. You can see a thread here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74085 (the non-sticky thread in the troubleshooting section with more replies and views...). No solutions have been offered, there are some advices and tweaks that work for some but not for others...

Good luck.

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Some video cards have hard time with ARMA2 so updating to faster have helped many people. Now that is expensive so there is things to try first.

NVIDIA Control Panel: Pre Render Frames = 1 or 0. Depends what refreshrate your monitor runs ARMA2 at. But test both starting with value 1 and then go to 0 (zero). Even use Riva Tuner to set this value made a difference for me. It can tweak the same value but its called Pre Render Limit there.

Also test go to Windows Control Panel - Mouse - "Enhanced Mouse Pointer" and turn it OFF. Test.

Hopefully that will do something. But a newer card than a GS is prefered im afraid. But test!


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Ok - kinda got it fixed. Here is what I did.

System before:

Base processor

Athlon X2 (B) 5050e 2.6 GHz (45W)

Vista Home Premium


AMD 780G


Manufacturer: MSI

Motherboard Name: Aspen-GL8E

Hard Drive

320 gb

nVidia 9300GS 512 mb

I noticed that the 320 gb hd was about 90% full so I ordered and installed a 1 tb hard drive and moved a bunch of crap from the 320 to the 1 tb. I now have about 80% free space on my boot drive (320gb).

I uninstalled Arma II and Steam entirely - killed my old video card drivers (the onboard video). I also located a file a buddy told me about who had a similar problem - and installed this http://mytopfiles.com/programs/file/directx_mar2009_redist/315149.htm. I also applied most of the tweaks and fixes mentioned in other posts before hand with no results - which is what prompted me to do what is spelled out here.... A new card is just too expensive for me right now.

After rebooting and cleaning out the system and hard drives and another reboot - I reinstalled everything. Mouse and keyboard lag is gone....

I don't think this will fix everyone's problem but it is a good start.

If your Hard Drive is too full it will slow it down - keep that in mind as well.

Now as for the a fore mentioned DirectX file - I did this cause after installing Arma II and the DirectX upgrades IT required (I have to assume) it caused the same problems in all of my games. But after installing the "fix" all the other games worked right.

Here is the system after the upgrade - notice no change in video. NOT ALL THE PROBLEMS ARE VIDEO CARD RELATED.

Base processor

Athlon X2 (B) 5050e 2.6 GHz (45W)

Vista Home Premium


AMD 780G


Manufacturer: MSI

Motherboard Name: Aspen-GL8E

Hard Drive

320 gb

1 tb

nVidia 9300GS 512 mb

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Hard drives are cheap now days, but over here (Australia) it's cheaper to buy a high end mid-range card, that said, a lack of space on your drive is going to cause slowdown no matter how defragged your drive is, so it's good to get some room to move.

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You know that a slowed down mousemovement simulates the weight of the gun?

BI surely - in the name of all serious non-arcade-gamers - will not offer a patch to solve that.

You're saying mouse acceleration simulates real life aiming? I don't agree, this is like handicaping people who can actually track and aim.

Modern guns are not so heavy, for example AK-107 is around 3.5 kg, and you are saying trained soldier would have problems moving 3.5 kg when aiming which would cause him to aim slower? Of course not. Main problem is that you're gaining too much speed when moving mouse faster, which is NOT realistic.

Please BI, remove this or at least put an option to turn it off in your next patch.

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And maybe you're just an annoying, narrow-minded fella who simply doesn't want to understand the problems people are having; that or you're just plain stupid.

Nevertheless, I ain't going to tell you once more it has nothing to do with built in driver accsl/windows accsl or whatever. If it was a mouse (hardware) problem, it would be like this in every other game as well. Guess what, IT AIN'T!

Still sounds like a hardware problem. My mouse sensitivity is fine, so this isn't a universal problem.

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no it is a software problem... Mouse acceleration.... I was able to correct some of it - however - the main 2 second delay between moving the mouse or pushing a key on the keyboard before the action takes place on the screen is still there.

I know people running GTX 285's having the same problem....

I'll have to check out the update when steam supplies it to see if it has been addressed yet.

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I dont have any probs. I do understand that the aiming is very different to gamea like CS and battlefield and stuff. Also if your hardware isnt up to scratch you will get uneven mouse lagg, and mouse issues. Same if you are playing a driving game on pc with a wheel, if your hardware is finding it difficult to run the game, low FPS can cause HUGE mouse and controller problems. Especially if the game is glitching in places because it cant keep up with what your trying to do.

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I'm not quite sure what it is. It does seem exactly like mouse smoothing when enabled in other games, but if that was the case then it should affect everyone. Doesn't really make sense that only a few people are affected by it.

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