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Weapon sights need elevation adjustment

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Its been said before but needs to be said again... all weapon sights need to have an elevation adjustment!

Each keypress up or down would be equivalent to one "notch" (a click when turning the adjustment).

I'm not sure of the actual values but is each notch equavalent to 20 yards closer or further?

Edited by EDcase

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Not all of them, just those that actually have it. Pretty much any weapon that has a scope of greater than 4x magnification has an elevation adjustment. I would also say that the M203 and M203A1 would benefit greatly from adjustable elevation.

What each "notch" is depends on the weapon. Very few have elevation knobs that are demarcated in range. Most have an angular demarcation like MOA or mils.

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In theory it is possible since ArmA 1, I mean to misalign weapon and sight. Even on the fly in-game. Dunno why it is not used.

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Really? I find this hard to believe that despite so many people looking no one has done the simplest proof of concept execution. Source?

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A strong yes.... Or at least provide modding possibilities @ Suma, Maruk!

ACE did it for Sniper-Rifles and Heavy machineguns in Arma1.

But they could only do it with a scripted solution by an eventhandler which immediately after fire deleted the round and spawned a new one on a different angle.

Works Perfect in SP, but in MP people were seeing still the old Round traveling and not the new one. And it was not able to fix without extremely traffic increase.

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Oh, that's not maligning the weapon muzzle and sight. Using ACE's method the muzzle and sight are still in static alignment, it just kicks the bullet around via a script after it's fired.

False alarm and old news mr.g-c.

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I would also say that the M203 and M203A1 would benefit greatly from adjustable elevation.


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