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The trees have white dots! ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY!, I have gone to my nvidea controll panel and tweeked the setting so that it would go away as recomended, but it still exists! perhaps even getting worse, please somebody help me out

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Can you provide a screenshot?

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oh yeah sorry, should have done that, yeah here


and they move about really fast

Edited by Cobetco

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i had the same issue with the last patch, does it only happen when your standing still? Or when your moving, i had this white tree issue while standing still and looking towards the trees, but as soon as i started moving it would dissapear. What gfx card do you have? I have the 8800 GTS 512.... But the latest patch had seem to fixed it for me.

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Can't see it, but when I have FSAA turned on, edges often are light regardless the background (ignores smoke, shadow and any other dynamic element).

Nvidia GTX260 (with pretty mediocre performance)


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it happens even if i'm standing still, they dont get larger if i go closer, but reather that are each just pixles that are white, if i go closer there are more of them and they race around faster

i have a nvdiea 7950 somthing or other

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I used to get this exact same thing in a different game :)

Unfortunately I can't remember what caused it. I think it might have been forcing Anti Aliasing and/or Anisotropic Filtering with the graphics card. You can also try getting the latest drivers for your graphics card.

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Looks like artefacts caused by your graphics card overheating, try clocking it a bit lower or increasing the cooling to it.

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