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Briefing trouble

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I have my briefing in HTML, I have my mission, I saved the briefing into the mission but will it come up when I play the mission? Noooooo.

Somebody please help, this is driving me INSANE(er than I am already)!!!!! sad.gifconfused.gif

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Hmm...how did you make this HTML file? Are you sure you got everything in the right place within the file (if you did it manually)? It is called Briefing.html? You really sure you got it in the right directory?

I haven't had any trouble with briefings before so I really don't know where to begin confused.gif But I've always used that OFP Mission Assistant proggie.

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I downloaded a template briefing off the Web as I don't know how to get into writing a briefing in HTML from scratch. I named it Brifing for (Missionname). confused.gif

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Where should I download the mission assistant to? And how do I use it? sad.gif

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It comes in a Zip so download it to anywhere. And how to use it? It's really easy to use, so I don't have to explain that, you will see smile.gif

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Thanx for telling me acbout the Mission Assistant, it's great!!!!!

However, though it works well for most things, I can't work out how to:

a) put the markers that jump around the map into the Objectives section

b) make the debriefing text, when I wrote iit into the box that comes up it didn't work. confused.gif

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About the debriefing, I dont know that either. And for the Jumping Markers, that goes a bit complicater but I dont know how to do that.

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I know a good briefing & overview generator too. The marker jumping thing is easy to use in this one: Just give the name of the marker for the generator. You can also create an overview with a picture for your mission which can be seen in single missions menu. Please try it, it's good!  smile.gif

It can be found in here:


it's the briefing & overview generator 2.0

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It doesn't work for me either. Oh, and with the mission assistant, how do you get the text in the notes section to be in the handwriting style as opposed to the normal boring style?

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Yeah it isnt very clear about that. But try this: <i>TEXT</i>

(sample found on the overview-tab)

Hope that worked

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DestroyerX @ Mar. 18 2002,20:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yeah it isnt very clear about that. But try this: <i>TEXT</i>

(sample found on the overview-tab)

Hope that worked<span id='postcolor'>

Didn't work. But I found out how to make Marker Links on the objectives screen: just select the 'insert marker link' tool in breifing screen and then copy it out into the objectives screen. I hope you understood that.

I still don't know how to get the mission debriefing to show up.

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Thx Wadi, stupid that I didnt come up with that idea tounge.gif

Also thx to SCLZ. I'm sure it'll work smile.gif

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Yeah thx SCLZ, I'll try it.

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If anybody finds out how to do end debriefs using the OPF mission assistant, let me know.

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<h6>TEXT</h6> didn't work.

When I tried to enable respawn with the Mission assistant, it didn't work either!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wadi @ Mar. 25 2002,19:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><h6>TEXT</h6> didn't work.

When I tried to enable respawn with the Mission assistant, it didn't work either!<span id='postcolor'>


I'm the author of the mission assistant - email me directly with your questions and I'll try to help you out as well as I can.


To get the handwriting text <h6> whatever text you are writing </h6> sometimes the Mission assistant places the <p></p> tages inside these codes and that would supercede them which confuses me. Add another bug tounge.gif

Sounds like you discovered how to insert markers

Debriefings should work provided the end conditions in the mission are met and they use the same numbers (i.e. end1, end2 etc...) if the numbers are different then there may be no debriefing to display.

Which type of respawn did you try to use, I added all the official respawn types to the Mission Assistant even though it is well known that some of them (i.e. group) dont work or dont work well. If you are using respawn for CTF missions - make sure the correct respawn marker is placed.

Now for a shameless plug.....

I am working on v2.0 of the Mission Assistant (well I have for a long time actually) it will do multiplayer briefings so that you can have briefings for each of the four possible sides in each mission. It also will have an editable database of weapons so that you can add new (addon) weapons to the briefing screen. It also will provide limited support for the init.sqs (hiding of markers and objectives) - I'm hoping to add sound support as well.


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I used the "Bird" type respawn with a 2 second time delay.

Looking froward to the mission assistant V2.0 coming out. biggrin.gif

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