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Grey graphics

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I have just purchased a radion8500 (64Mb) Graphics card.

the performance is fine but if i play a night mission the colours are all changed to grey. The lighting effects at night are also hampered. there is still some colours like the tail lights on vehicles are still red but weak and pastel like.

Has anyone already encountered this problem and if so is it my drivers or game at fault ? Any insite would be great


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Um, there's nothing wrong with the drivers. You are experiencing a feature that was added some time ago which presents a more realistic representation of what your eyes can see at night. It is only available on video cards with advanced shaders, such as the Radeon you just got, or GeForce3 and later cards.

Your eyes have two types of cells, rod and cone cells, which are used for B&W/shades of gray and color reception, respectively. At night, your eyes are able to detect many different shades of gray, but you are essentially color-blind in the absence of a good light source. Try it out sometime...

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I suppose that its true that at night you dont c so well but.

It would have been nice if codemasters could have said in the download and or gold upgrade that this would happen.

(so i did not freak!wink.gif

Plus the grey is also in the towns. when the lights are on.

And there is grey shading in the light beams if this is intentional its not very good.

If you have bright lights on things they dont look grey at night.

You see there actual colour.

Bit of a flaw me thinks.

Looked much better with my old 32meg gforce and thats just plain wrong.

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Never heard this before. Well go to ATI's site and get yourself the newest drivers. Also run the game in T&L if you are not. Also are u sure you haven't messed the light settings mate.

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How do you mess up the light settings?

ive got Number of lights to max. and with whats supposed to be the best gpu on the market nxt to the gforce4 i expect it should handle it fine.

in fact ive got everything maxed!

no performance problems apart from at night? so shurley if id messed up the lights it would show through-out the game?

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