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Playing the Campaign with my player.

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i know this is a bit editing to but figured this would be the best place.

In the editor i want to change cooper to my character.

When i place a new soldier its fine im me.

When i replace the cooper with team leader hes the default face. this is because hes named BIS_player.(cant play without this name)

I wanted to know from devs or other what can i delete to make the character load the custom features for me.

Its my last attempt to play the campaign with the support etc in my command. and my own team with my own weapons. and an attempt to remove the bugs.

Thanks before hand for any responses.

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Downloads / Armed Assault Files / Editing / Tools / Arma Unpbo Tool get this tool i think its the one i used

this opens the games pbo files

F:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\AddOns\missions.pbo

this is the file you need and it has all campaign files and others. save them to your desktop then you will have a campaign file on your desktop and all the missions are in there, copy and paste them to your editor folder in your mydocs\arma2profile\missions. i suggest you do some fiddling with Bootcamp files as they are simple and have no opening sequences.

however the first basic training seems to load the default character. but the others dont. i.e. the default face and no glasses. you can still play as cooper with aviators through the editor in other missions and tested it on manhattan and the level before it.

You can use your own player 2 by using the teamleader not the cooper soldier and as far as i can tell just tried the training but they complete aswell. all my trainings are complete and ive been using my own character by inserting a pilot or tankdriver or teamleader over the cooper player and then exporting it to singleplayer missions exit the editor and play it like any singleplayer mission. and i know i can use my own character in the campaign 2 just havent completed any missions beacuse i want to rebuild them. I.e. being in control of some littlebirds rather than having the crappy chopper that never was in manhattan. and an apahe;-) for gud measure. maybe a bit of a tank for fun as i have already completed it before.

Edited by JonieTurnock

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Okay, thank you, but where is that Arma Unpbo Tool?

Edit: Nevermind, I've found it. Thx!:)

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