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Problems with helicopters;

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So I've managed to get everything from tasks to mission objectives & waypoints to work - except that my extraction(a helicopter whose waypoint is triggered when I enter the extraction point) won't pick me up.

I get it to fly to my position just fine, but then it just hoovers there midair mocking me until I either ragequit or shoot it down and fly to the mission-ending myself.

My setup is; helicopter waypoint = load, troop waypoint = get in - they are both synced up and if I try this anywhere else(like in another mission) it goes perfect - but not on this map. Anyone has any ideas on how to sort this?

While I'm at it, I would also like to know what the different timers actually do(Min, Mid, Max) and in what format are they in? seconds? minutes?

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I'm having a similar problem and it is frustrating. In my mission the extraction is triggered when the players destroy a tank. The helicoper has a move waypoint on an invisible helipad. If you put this into the activation for the waypoint you can force the chopper to land:

dostop choppername;choppername land "land"

this forces the chopper to land at the waypoint and turn the engine off.

HOWEVER, I still cannot make the chopper wait for the players to get in before taking off. The chopper lands, turns the engine off, then turns the engine back on and takes off regardless if the players are alive or dead. In my experience if I synchronize ANYTHING, even a blank trigger to the waypoint, the chopper won't land but will instead fly in circles endlessly.

How do you trigger a chopper to land, wait for whoever is left alive to get into the chopper, then take off?

Can someone go into the editor and create a successful extraction and tell us how they did it?

Edited by MareNostrum

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I have the same issue, chopper flies around, and the "get in" units chase it around on the ground.

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Can't it be syncronized with the waypoint AFTER the infantry's 'Get In' waypoint, so that the 'Get In' move has to be finished for the helicopter to move?

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Do you play as the squad leader of the infantry group that will be picked up by the chopper?

Also, assigning the chopper as the transport for the group upon arrival at landing point may be helpfull : just before the "GET IN" waypoint of the infantry group, at the same place, put a "MOVE" waypoint, with activation field as follows :

{_x assignAsCargo MyChopper} forEach units MyGroup

with "MyChopper" being the name of the helicopter unit and "Mygroup" being the name of the picked-up group (you can put this in the group leader init field :

MyGroup = group this

Edited by whisper

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