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All other games fine - ArmA II does not run as advertised

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I meet the optimum system specs, printed on the DVD, I bought and even exceed them in some points.

I cannot get ArmA to play fluidly.

I tried settings as the lowest possible and could play ArmA only on this setting.

Unfortunately, there are no visible textures in this setting and graphics smear into a unrecognisable coloured screen.

Even the mouse pointer in the menu is erratic.

I can play other contemporary games on this computer with native resolution and high settings without any issues, Fallout 3, Crysis, FarCryII, STALKER, ..., to name a few.

ArmA (original game) does run ok too.

I feel a bit lost here - are there any users of a Macbook Pro, who are able, to run this game as advertised?

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It'd be helpful to post your system specs.

Do I get it right that you run the game on a mac? So either with Bootcamp or a VM, huh?


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I don't remember Arma2 being advertised as running happily on a macbook pro using a virtual machine/dualboot?

Don't forget the hard drive in the machine could have a slower seek time than the streaming engine might be 100% comfortable with. The 9600 gfx inside is not exactly the fastest graphics processor and at the same time you are trying to make the machine pretend to be something it isn't.

All of these problems could be irrelevant however and you might just be experiencing the same problems as the majority of nvidia users on this forum.

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