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Make unit disembark from a heli

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I'm trying to make a unit disembark from a helicopter (Hip) and employing the standard approach that I used since Flashpoint: Unload Transport, Get Out, H, Synchronize...

Well, I'm encountering the following problems:


The helicopter won't even land...sometimes. Restarting the editor and reloading the mission fixes the problem.


If the helicopter eventually lands then its pose (especially the yaw) is almost never the same. Changing speed and/or behaviour won't fix the problem.


The unit subject to disembarkment immediately gets stuck in the helicopter (e.g. rocket pods) after disembarking. Changing speed/behaviour/waypoint-position won't fix the problem.


If the unit suceeds getting out the trap mentioned above it will run in circles for some seconds before proceeding to the next waypoint. Again: Changing speed/behaviour/waypoint-position won't fix the problem.

Anyone has any suggestions, or encountering the same problem?


I'm sorry if I missed any posts concerning this problem...quite a big forum

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I'm sorry. I already tried this. And besides, i don't want the unit to eject (there is a difference between ejecting and disembarking?)

Of course I can make the heli hover above the spot and drop the unit. But that's not what I want.

If you read my post: Sometimes the unit gets out...

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There is no difference between ejecting and disembarking.

2. Use a different method of landing, ie flyinheight waypoints.

3. Never seen this before.

4. What the?

Perhaps provide an example mission.

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Unfortunately the AI and helicopters are very hard to get to land and unload troops properly. Usually works fine the way you mentioned doing it for sp, but not always and forget mp. best would be to script the entire operation from start to landing to fly away. Or have the players control the insertion by starting at a camp/base and getin fly manually. For automated AI helo insertion its best to script it all via markers or triggers as the waypoint markers and invisible H for a good landing spot. I am not good at scripting and have had a hell of time myself trying to accomplish the same so I went a simpler route for now. Check the BI wiki for scripting commands and you will probably end up using the domove command flyinheight, dostop and such. That in a script starting at start would probably be the best way. trial and error and lots of research of commands.

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For some reason I don't have trouble doing this with the basic waypoints. I put the heli to unload transport and the squad to get out. I noticed this works best if NOT synchronized. If you are the squad leader you need to order the disembark, if you are a private in the squad you will be disembarked automatically. After everyone is out the heli will continue to next waypoint.

Problem is tho that when the heli leaves it tends to hit trees. When they are at the "unload height" they don't take altitude before starting towards the next waypoint. So the area needs to be very open for the chopper not to hit anything.

If you want the heli to do a full stop at the disembark location just have a normal move waypoint there and in the on activation field put:

myHeliname land "LAND";

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Thanks for the replies.

First of all: I'm talking about SP at the moment, and the unit is AI (as far as you can consider that being real AI...)

It seems to me that the H introduces some randomness into the landing process, too bad: it worked quite well for the arma2 predecessors...

As I said, I know how to make the heli hover above the ground and eject the unit. This can be achieved with the "unload transport"-waypoint. Unfortunately, it is weird seeing an officer getting dropped out of a heli ~10ft above the ground. Perhaps some excessive use of the "flyinheight" command will help.

The landing command is an option, thanks for the hint.

OK, I have the heli on the ground and the unit out of the heli. But the following problem still remains: The unit will run into some direction (it's non-deterministic as far as I can say) and after this little tour it will eventually get stuck in the helicopter...

Unfortunately, I do not know how to attach a demo-mission (is it possible anyway?) but you can build it on your own (10s):

One helicopter named <heli> one soldier named <soldier>. Put <soldier moveincargo heli> into the initialization box from <soldier>. One waypoint "unload transport" for <heli> and a waypoint "get out" for <soldier>. For the unload waypoint put <heli land "LAND"> and for the soldier create some additional waypoint towards the observer (you). That's all.

I appreciate any further suggestions!

Edited by brandungskeiler

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You may try this (works if you need to make 1 unit disembark):

1. Place a helo-activated "flyinheight 4" trigger with smth like a 2-3 second delay


2. Place a unit-activated "unassignvehicle" trigger with a delay for the helo to descend to a 4-meter height

-should work for several units if you make several unit-oriented triggers with different time delays; otherwise some'll just end up standing on the others' heads.

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To make the heli land instead of hover, place an invisible H (Heli pad) where you wanted it to land.

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_group leavevehicle _chopper will make them disembark

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Thanks for the suggestions. They all work (the heli pad version sometimes...) and if the maneuver looks weird or is a random event...well, you can do nothing about that. Just blame BI for it.

But: The unit still gets stuck in the helicopter. Recently I found the tail rotor to be the attracting part resulting in an immediate death of the unit ;)

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this is part of an unload script I use. My case though the helo starts near ground, but with some modifying and adding waypoints with distance command you should be able to get it to work really well.

if (!isServer) exitWith {};
//hint "unloading";
sleep 5;
{doGetOut _X} forEach units marine1;
//{unassignVehicle _x} forEach units marine1;
waitUntil {({_x in helo1} count (units marine1) == 0)};
sleep 2;
helo1 flyinheight 40;
helo1 domove (getmarkerpos "wp0");
sleep 5;
helo1 domove (position wp1);

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