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Navy pilot still being held in iraq ?

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There's more to this story too.I remember seeing something about hit flightsuit was found and his flight suit didn't have burns or anything.Makes you wonder doesn't it ?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"The American authorities ... have announced a new lie concerning an American pilot in order to create a new problem with Iraq," <span id='postcolor'>

agree mad.gif

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"The American authorities ... have announced a new lie concerning an American pilot in order to create a new problem with Iraq,"

it should be noted that this quote is from the Iraqi guy, not CNN.

do any of you know the story behind this??

the guy was shot down.. they found the wreckage.. a successfully opened parachute and evidence that he took off on foot.. the crash area was combed like silly for weeks.. then suddenly one morning MONTHS later his flight suit just APPEARED in the middle of the debris field and the Iraqis said.. "look his suit, he must have dies out here".. it had not faded, showed no wear or damage or anything.. as if it had just been pulled right off its "hanger" set there the night before..

so basically you have the crash site (few hundred meters square) that was combed and searched EXTENSIVLEY weeks with no sign of the suit or anything..  then suddenly one morning theis nice flight suit in prestine condtion just appears in the middle of the site and the Iraqis say "oh.. well he must have died, there is his suit""

tell me.. wouldent YOU be a tad suspicious?

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oh yea, Iraq wants the U.S. government to pay $70,000 for iraq's "help"..

fuck them

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I think they did capture him ,but they put him in a truck that one of the allies planes bomb.

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If they DID capture him I doubt he is still alive. Why would they hold him, alive, for this long?

I also think this is pretty perfect timing for this issue to be brought up. Maybe to perfect.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Longinius @ Mar. 12 2002,16:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If they DID capture him I doubt he is still alive. Why would they hold him, alive, for this long?

I also think this is pretty perfect timing for this issue to be brought up. Maybe to perfect.<span id='postcolor'>

Why do you say that?

The Pentagon is saying that he ain't alive, and I agree. Why would Saddam keep him so long, alive, without using him for some large propaganda coup?

USA Today is a rag of a paper.

The man is dead. Period.

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Oh you are saying they will use it as an excuse.

A pretty lame one if you ask me. I think they can do better.

Think some ass munch at USA Today and CNN got hold of something and wanted to stir some shit as the media is prone to do, nothing more.

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This story was cover along time ago.so it's just not usa propaganda(you people like to say).

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Guest SC Jolly

Reply to foxer

But you have to admit, the US is spreading a lot of shit about Iraq. Ok, Iraq is making ABC-bombs, (actually, an Iraqii Badger (bomb-plane) loaded with a chemical/biological bomb was to take off only hours before it was hit by bombs from an F117), but I think the US is using 11. Sept. as an excuse for attacking "world-wide terrorism". To me, Bush is a big a$$hole! (IMHO)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SC Jolly @ Mar. 12 2002,17:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think the US is using 11. Sept. as an excuse for attacking "world-wide terrorism". To me, Bush is a big a$$hole! (IMHO)<span id='postcolor'>


USA is gonna use septmber 11th as an excuse to go after everyone they don't like, or other governments that don't run to their OWN liking. US government goes on about freedom... its almost laughable. Thing is I don't laugh at stuff like this. You can bet your life that Wolrd War 3 is coming fast.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hardliner @ Mar. 12 2002,18:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SC Jolly @ Mar. 12 2002,17:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think the US is using 11. Sept. as an excuse for attacking "world-wide terrorism". To me, Bush is a big a$$hole! (IMHO)<span id='postcolor'>


USA is gonna use septmber 11th as an excuse to go after everyone they don't like, or other governments that don't run to their OWN liking. US government goes on about freedom... its almost laughable. Thing is I don't laugh at stuff like this. You can bet your life that Wolrd War 3 is coming fast.<span id='postcolor'>

hardliner,You don't have an opinion with that flag in your sig.

Anyways about iraq,They did sign papers saying they would destory their chemicals weapons,and they would let people in UN look at any building they wanted to in iraq.That was the peace deal,he didn't honor it.If america didn't honor a peace treaty you people would be going ape shit.

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