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moveInCargo command

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I'm trying to set an unit inside an helicopter with the command moveincargo

Name moveInCargo Fhz1 but it doesnt' work ? why ??

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just try it with :

this moveincargo h1

no need for a unit name / name the chopper h1

make sure theres room in the chopper (UH1 doenst have as many slots as UH60) and Animals wont go in either... tried it with a chicken earlier :(

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so... we type into the int box of the desired unit we want in cargo....

this moveInCargo h1

correct? (yes I'm this methodical.. and no I can't test it right now.. I'm at work.. Rawr!)

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so... we type into the int box of the desired unit we want in cargo....

this moveInCargo h1


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And for groups use...

GroupName = group this;{_x assignAsCargo NameVehicle; _x moveInCargo NameVehicle} forEach units group this";

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You don't have to assignAsCargo when forcing them in, they get auto-assigned. :rolleyes:

Just use the thread above ^_^

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