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Game crashes. Sometimes after 30 mins, sometimes after 5.

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Game crashes. Sometimes after 30 mins, sometimes after 5. In short; game is unplayable.

I already submitted a support ticket as well including all the files.

But I think this should get solved, pronto.

Was Armed Assault 1 also badly coded like 2?

My ArmA2.cfg:


And using this in my shortcut:

"E:\Armed Assault 2\arma2.exe" -mod=@English -nosplash -maxmem=2047 -cpuCount=8 -winxp

Maybe I overlooked something...

Systems specs are in my signature. TY.

---------- Post added at 08:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 PM ----------

And I just crashed again.

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Game crashes. Sometimes after 30 mins, sometimes after 5. In short; game is unplayable.

I already submitted a support ticket as well including all the files.

But I think this should get solved, pronto.

Was Armed Assault 1 also badly coded like 2?

My ArmA2.cfg:


And using this in my shortcut:

"E:\Armed Assault 2\arma2.exe" -mod=@English -nosplash -maxmem=2047 -cpuCount=8 -winxp

Maybe I overlooked something...

Systems specs are in my signature. TY.

---------- Post added at 08:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 PM ----------

And I just crashed again.

Turn off your overclock and see if you keep crashing. I have now confirmed this as a problem with 2 other people.

Overclock off = No crashing.


Edited by BangTail

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I am not turning off my overclock it's 200% stable tested it for over 24 hours with Prime95, OCCT and LinX.

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I am not turning off my overclock it's 200% stable tested it for over 24 hours with Prime95, OCCT and LinX.

Why do you have -cpucount=8, that's a given if you have HT on and useless if HT is off.

Revert to the 182.50 drivers as your video memory is being detected as 256MB (this is a known problem with Win 7/Vista 64). This causes performance problems.

Edited by BangTail

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Ok then, keep crashing. At least your e-p33n will still be at full mast :)

Good luck.


PS : Why do you have -cpucount=8, that's a given if you have HT on and useless if HT is off.

Revert to the 182.50 drivers as your video memory is being detected as 256MB (this is a known problem with Win 7/Vista 64). This causes performance problems.

I loaded the configuration in my bios without the overclock, but the result was the same. I have HT on and I tried 4 and 8, but both crash eventually.

I am using 182.50 drivers at the moment, already reverted back to them, but still same result.

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I loaded the configuration in my bios without the overclock, but the result was the same. I have HT on and I tried 4 and 8, but both crash eventually.

I am using 182.50 drivers at the moment, already reverted back to them, but still same result.

Try turning HT off. A2 never crashed for me but HT off did make the game a lot smoother.

What OS?

Edited by BangTail

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I also keep on crashing to my desktop, usually 2 or 3 times per evening. It's so frustrating, i don't know what to do about it, so i hope the upcoming patch will solve this shit.

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Try turning HT off. A2 never crashed for me but HT off did make the game a lot smoother.

What OS?

Well I will give it a go without HT later on today.

The game is installed under Vista x64, I also have W7 RC1 but not using it atm.

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Still crashes, so I am returning the game today at the gamestore and get a full refund.

Maybe I will rebuy it when it's in the bargain bin and fully fixed / patched up.

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I had someone complain many times of a crash and I suggested putting the GPU and CPU back to stock from an overclock. He complained that it was stable, but I asked just for giggles to do it anyways.

That person said that after changing the clock speeds to stock that he still had the problem. So I went through a lot of different fixes with him and nothing worked. After a day of PM's to try and solve his problem I pretty much gave up.

Not too long ago I received a PM from him stating;

"I'm sorry, I actually didnt' set the graphics and CPU back to clock speed but I did now and it's not crashing anymore. Why would they make a game that doesn't work with overclocks"

ok, there were a lot more spelling mistakes and expletives.

That may have nothing to do with here, but it just shows how temperamental these things are.

Anyways, back on topic, I noticed you said you are using Vista 64 (which seems like a very common OS for the people who are having issues)

You stated you have Windows 7 RC. If it's 32bit then please, before you return it, give it a go under that and tell me how it gos.

Thank you

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Windows 7 is also 64 bit.

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Damn.. I know this is a bit much of an ask, but can you download the 32bit version and give it a go.

I've been trying to get a comment back on people running the 64bit OS but each time I ask them to give the 32bit OS a go I never get another comment back.

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Well I am not overclocked and I am using winXP and I am still getting crashes. (I7 920 with ATI 4870 2gig and 3 gig ddr3 ram) Always seems to be in multiplayer that the crashes occur for me.

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Well I am not going to download a new OS for just one single game.

It means a lot of work; download the OS, create a new partition, install the OS, download the latest drivers for everything, update Directx and install the game.

Returning the game and getting a full refund works a lot faster and less of a hassle.

This is the first game which crashes continuesly on my new PC; games like Crysis Warhead, Far Cry 2, Fifa '09, Football Manager 2009, etc. etc. etc. All work without problems, except for this game. So...

And apparently it crashes also for people with Windows XP (look above). So I have drawn my conclusions and returning this game, now! Maybe I will pick it up from the bargain bin later when the problems / bugs are solved.


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OK, sorry I couldn't help you.

EDIT : btw, Hudson Hawk.. love the movie, reminds me of my childhood :)

Edited by Bulldogs

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I had someone complain many times of a crash and I suggested putting the GPU and CPU back to stock from an overclock. He complained that it was stable, but I asked just for giggles to do it anyways.

That person said that after changing the clock speeds to stock that he still had the problem. So I went through a lot of different fixes with him and nothing worked. After a day of PM's to try and solve his problem I pretty much gave up.

Not too long ago I received a PM from him stating;

"I'm sorry, I actually didnt' set the graphics and CPU back to clock speed but I did now and it's not crashing anymore. Why would they make a game that doesn't work with overclocks"

ok, there were a lot more spelling mistakes and expletives.

That may have nothing to do with here, but it just shows how temperamental these things are.

Anyways, back on topic, I noticed you said you are using Vista 64 (which seems like a very common OS for the people who are having issues)

You stated you have Windows 7 RC. If it's 32bit then please, before you return it, give it a go under that and tell me how it gos.

Thank you

I get this with a lot of clients.

Overclocking breeds instability and while any given OC may run most things fine, other things may react badly to it.

Again, I'm not saying it's the OC in HHawk's case but it's the sheer ignorance of many people that automatically assume that an i7 920 4.0Ghz is just as stable as 2.66 Ghz.

The simple fact of the matter is that there is NO SUCH THING as a 100% stable overclock. The very nature of overclocking is diametrically opposed to stability.

I've already seen 2 cases where OCing is directly responsible for A2 crashing on systems where everything else was running fine.


---------- Post added at 06:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:14 PM ----------

And apparently it crashes also for people with Windows XP (look above). So I have drawn my conclusions and returning this game, now! Maybe I will pick it up from the bargain bin later when the problems / bugs are solved.


I'd guess that's a badly configured system, I play for hours on end under XP and I've never had a single issue. Having said that I've never seen it crash under 7 or Vista either, it's just that XP performs better.


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Should also note that the only XP crashes I've seen have been during multiplayer (although I know someone's gonna refute me)

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I'd guess that's a badly configured system, I play for hours on end under XP and I've never had a single issue. Having said that I've never seen it crash under 7 or Vista either, it's just that XP performs better.


I had got same problems with an i7 920, GTX260, 3Gigs of ram, XP 32, nothing overclocked. I managed to get a little more stability with :

* .cfg

















* "D:\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -cpuCount=8 -noCB -maxmem=1900 <--- maxmem 1900 helped me a lot.

* 146 Megas in Paging Memory to store WinXP's usage (100 Meg on my rig), 2 extra Megas for security (146+2+1900 = max XP memory's usage)

* PhysicsX Off and what is said about NVidia optimisations.

My game CTD or BSOD really very few times since I did all the above.

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I'd guess that's a badly configured system, I play for hours on end under XP and I've never had a single issue. Having said that I've never seen it crash under 7 or Vista either, it's just that XP performs better.


If that is refering to my system then I can assure you that is not the case. My system is a professionaly built system less than a month old which only has ArmA2 installed on it. No other games have been installed. Just because you yourself have never had a single issue does not mean that issues are not present. Ive never had a crash in offline play yet but that doesnt mean I wont. I do however think it may be significant that at least one other poster in this thread has similar crashes only in multipayer running windowsXP.

---------- Post added at 01:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 PM ----------

Just a thought guys but you are sending in your crash logs arent you?

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---------- Post added at 01:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 PM ----------

Just a thought guys but you are sending in your crash logs arent you?

I did several days ago, but of course no reaction whatsoever.

Anyways game has been returned and bought Prototype. Great game and works without crashes! :yay:

Edited by HHawk

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