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Random Mission generator?

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I just cannot get the ACM module to work, I havent tweaked the config, nor know how to, would be nice to be in a insta war. Set things up just like the pics show.

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Just synchronise the acm module to one of the members of your squad (I usually use the team leader). With default settings it can take a while for units to spawn and they appear quite some distance from you. This thread is very good: Ambient Combat Module.

We appear to have gone a bit off topic.

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See link, put in MPmissions folder

-removed- see link on next page

Edited by dtruck261

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Hi topeira. Thanks for the offer!

I know how to create the "combat" style mission in the editor using secops modules etc. What is nice about the wizard is a sense of randomness. When you create your own missions it can get a bit boring because you know where you placed things, even when using the modules.

I would still really like to know how you adjust waypoints in the wizard. I couldn't figure out how to do it in A1 either. Is it possible that this is a bug?

i have a feeling this is a bug.

now the randomness of the wizzard isnt really random.

if I want a random encounter i place the units and way points with a large "radius of placement" or however it's called. this will place the units in a random location withing the circle that will be created if u set it to something larger than 0.

in many cases i create patrols of 3 waypoints (two MOVE and one CYCLE) and every WP has a placement radius of about 100 or 180 and inside a village that means that the certain unit\s will patrol in a route i can't predict and might come out behind of every house.

if i place units that just stand there (sentries or guard WPs) than u adjust the placement radius of the WP as well as the unit itself.

u can have stationary guards with large placement radius and put all of them in the center of the zone u wish to function as a battleground. the units will be placed sporadically and u wont be able to tell where until u engage them.

Another thing - in the editor u can also place twice the amount of enemies u wish to actually engage and set their probability of presence to 50% so u will never know which of the enemies will actually spawn and this will create all the randomness u want and a much greater level of surprise than the wizzard.

try it.

Edited by topeira

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I made it, I suppose I could make one for the other island also

See attached

removed, see next post

was a quick job, I think all works ok though

To any who have d/l this, I updated it @ 8:05 est (-5),, I think this version is final, for some reason it wouldnt hand out missions after using the transport, but I think it works now

Edited by dtruck261

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SinglePlayer - Scenario- My Missions- New Mission - 02: Target - In Edit Mission Settings - Units, if I want to add one AT Specialist (Player - Team leader) one corpsman, one Machinegunner. How do I do that right now I can select only one type either AT specialist of corpsman and I can increase the count. That’s it. Anybody knows how to do this?

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