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Help.. I'm at a complete loss.

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Hi, I'm new to these forums. I've played since OFP but Arma 2 has really got me juiced to do some serious modding aside from doing basic things like customizing weapon loadouts.... BUT....

I was wanting to looking for .pbo files. So I start digging around in program files looking for the main Arma 2 folder. I can't find it. I put Arma 1 on my cpu and had to dl a beta patch to run it with Vista. I also notice that Arma 2 doesn't appear on my ''All Programs'' list even? Too bad I can't reinstall because I downloaded Arma 2 from Steam.

Anyway, does anyone have an idea on how I might fix this? (I've been scratching my head all morning about this one) :mad:

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If you have the Steam version then the ArmA2 folder will be buried somewhere off of your steam folder, in something like steam/steamapps/common/insert gratuitous folder here/arma2

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I have avoided Steam as much as possible. I suppose I'm gonna have to break down and get more friendly. Thanks for the tip, one of those under-my-nose things that would've eluded me for a while had not I received a nudge.

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