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BSOD with Arma 2 and Nvidia

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Hi all, like many of you I have been waiting for Arma 2 for a very long time and I am just playing around with the demo until the USA boxed version is released and have had nothing but issues with this game. Mainly BSOD and flashing to a black screen and only hearing sounds. Had it crash to the desktop once or twice as well.

Hopefully I'm not jumping the gun but I came home from work last night and tried changing some settings and I was able to play the demo for a couple hours without crashing so I thought I would post what I changed.

1) I uninstalled the nvidia drivers and anything to do with the card like they physics, etc.

2) Rebooted.

3) Downloaded the latest drivers 186.18 again. Installed and rebooted.

4) In the nvidia control panel I set the following:

Manage 3d Settings:

-Multi-Display/Mixed-GPU Acceleration ---> Set to Single Display Performance mode

- Vertical Sync ---> Force Off

Set Physx Configuration:

- Disabled

Long shot but I also did the following:

In the taskbar I exited out of the Rockstar Social Club and Steam.

Like I said I may be jumping the gun and the next time I play Arma 2 it may crash again but after doing the above I was able to play for a couple of hours without a hiccup. So hopefully one of those made a difference. I know just turning off the Physx didn't but I'm going to try and narrow it down. Might be vsync or I was just lucky to play that long. But I was never able to play for more than 30 minutes without a crash.

Hope this helps us all.........

System Specs:

Asus P6T Deluxe V2 with latest BIOS 0504

Intel i7 920 2.66ghz

3GB Kingston RAM (KHX16000D3K3/3GX)

Antec 1000w power supply

Windows Vista 32-bit Enterprise Edition with latest updates as of June 27th

BFG 285 OC2 1GB with latest nvida drivers 186.18

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I also have an i7 Asus motherboard (P6T6 WS Revolution to be exact). I was getting BSODS in ArmA2 also, but a slight adjustment in my memory voltage in the BIOS cured it.

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Crashes here also all the time. Crap-coded game.

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Well if you find something, be sure to let us know!

My GTX280 BSOD too. Its the only game to BSOD since I changed to Vista x64... 1.5 years ago. I've seen freezes, crashes, etc but not BSOD.

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Well if you find something, be sure to let us know!

My GTX280 BSOD too. Its the only game to BSOD since I changed to Vista x64... 1.5 years ago. I've seen freezes, crashes, etc but not BSOD.

That says enough about the coding. :yay:

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Darn......still BSOD.

I played around with my ram voltage but no luck with that either.

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