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A MUST HAVE MOD, now the highlight looks much natural than default one. Many thanks!

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But ... I cant get it back after the save has loaded so HDR is back to normal and home key not working ....

That can be corrected by including "sleep" system in the script.HeinBloed could take a look at latest tank pack from modEmMaik for Arma 1.;)

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Ive just realised that this mod for me (1.03 and now 1.04) always crashes when loaded a save game. I fully tested vanilla and just this mod and any mission if i exit and save, then resume ... bam CTD without fail. Remove the mod and all is well.

But ... I cant get it back after the save has loaded so HDR is back to normal and home key not working .... not having much luck here. Can anyone confirm that in SP they can save and resume again later and the menu stays active and you can use everything ok?

gdtmod_hdr readme.txt:

There are to variants to use this addon.
1. Via Key: This variant does not work on Single Player with resume game from mission menu.
Start new mission...save game...load savegame is working.
2. Via actionmenu: There are not any known issues by using the actionmenu.

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1. Via Key: This variant does not work on Single Player with resume game from mission menu.

Start new mission...save game...load savegame is working.

Right ok, missed that completely I referred to the first post info .. assumed save game = all situations.

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Ive just had a thought about this addon and the situation where exiting a mission to main menu and re loading in SP will cause it not to work.

I notice that Victors FPS saver addon uses the escape menu to trigger it to load ... so, could this be adapted to this mod so it can be "re triggered" this way, in which case no matter what the situation you can always turn it on saved or not?


I edited the pbo to include the menu script, the menu works but wont trigger what was the config.cpp moved to dialogue.sqf ... im clearly missing the point scripting wise. But would like to see this under the escape menu, becuase that would cover all aspects of reloading on mission continue.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Someone please help mrcash in this attempt,it is very important.

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(Yes me again still keeping this thread alive LOL)

Ok I wonder if anyone can help with this at all ...

So far I have it in the esc menu simply by changing config.cpp to :

class CfgPatches
class HDR_ControlPanel
 units[] = {};
 requiredVersion = 0.1;
 requiredAddons[] = {};
class RscStandardDisplay;
class RscText;
class RscPicture;
class CA_Title;
class RscShortcutButtonMain;
class RscXKeyShadow;
class RscShortcutButton;
class RscDisplayInterrupt: RscStandardDisplay
class controls
 class HDR_optionsBtn: RscShortcutButton
  idc = -1;
  x = "0.005 + SafeZoneX";
  y = "0.200 + SafeZoneY";
  w = 0.35;
  onButtonClick = "[this] execVM ""\gdtmod_hdr\hdr_dlg.sqf""";
  text = "HDR Control Panel";
  default = 0;
class RscDisplayMPInterrupt: RscStandardDisplay
class controls
 class HDR_optionsBtn: RscShortcutButton
  idc = -1;
  x = "0.005 + SafeZoneX";
  y = "0.200 + SafeZoneY";
  w = 0.35;
  onButtonClick = "[this] execVM ""\gdtmod_hdr\hdr_dlg.sqf""";
  text = "HDR Control Panel";
  default = 0;

As you can see this on click will execute \gdtmod_hdr\hdr_dlg.sqf

This is simply ddef.hpp renamed to hdr_dlg.sqf

ddef.hhp is:

[spoiler]#define ST_LEFT       0
#define ST_RIGHT      1
#define ST_CENTER     2
#define ST_FRAME      64

#define CT_STATIC     0
#define CT_BUTTON	 	 1
#define CT_ACTIVETEXT 11

class CfgPatches {
class gdtmod_hdr {
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 1.02;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CAUI", "Extended_EventHandlers"};

class CfgAddons {
class PreloadAddons {
	class gdtmod_hdr {

class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers
gdtmod_hdr_postinit="[] execVM '\gdtmod_hdr\init.sqf'";

class gdtmod_hdr_RscText
type = CT_STATIC;
idc = -1;
style = ST_LEFT;
x = 0.1;
y = 0.1;
w = 0.1;
h = 0.1;  
sizeEx = 0.04;
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0.75};
colorText[] = {0.543, 0.5742, 0.4102, 1.0};
font = "Zeppelin32";
text = "";

class gdtmod_hdr_RscActiveText
idc = -1;
style = ST_LEFT;
x = 0.1;
y = 0.1;
w = 0.1;
h = 0.1;  
sizeEx = 0.04;
color[] = {0.543, 0.5742, 0.4102, 1.0};
colorText[] = {1, 1, 0.5, 1};
colorActive[] = {0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1};
font = "Zeppelin32";
soundEnter[] = {"", 0.1, 1};
soundPush[] = {"", 0.1, 1};
soundClick[] = {"", 0.1, 1};
soundEscape[] = {"", 0.1, 1};
default = false;
text = "";

class gdtmod_hdr_RscButton
type = CT_BUTTON;
idc = -1;
style = ST_CENTER;
x = 0.1;
y = 0.1;
w = 0.1;
h = 0.1;  
sizeEx = 0.04;
borderSize = 0.001;
	colorText[] = {0.82, 1.0, 0.82, 1.0};
colorDisabled[] = {0.82, 1.0, 0.82, 1.0};
colorBackground[] = {0.24, 0.5, 0.24, 1.0};
colorBackgroundActive[] = {0.2, 0.5, 0.2, 1.0};
colorBackgroundDisabled[] = {0.82, 1.0, 0.82, 1.0};
colorFocused[] = {0.2, 0.5, 0.2, 1.0};
colorShadow[] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1};
colorBorder[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
offsetX = 0.003;
offsetY = 0.003;
offsetPressedX = 0.002;
offsetPressedY = 0.002;
font = "TahomaB";
soundEnter[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse2", 0.09, 1};
soundPush[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\new1", 0.09, 1};
soundClick[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse3", 0.07, 1};
soundEscape[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse1", 0.09, 1};
default = false;
text = "";
action = "";

class gdtmod_hdr_dialog
idd = -1;
movingEnable = true;
controlsBackground[] = {gdtmod_hdr_dialog_background, gdtmod_hdr_dialog_frame};

class gdtmod_hdr_dialog_background : gdtmod_hdr_RscText
	idc = 100;
	x = 0.38;
	y = 0.20;
	w = 0.24;
	h = 0.60;

class gdtmod_hdr_dialog_frame : gdtmod_hdr_RscText
	idc = 101;
	style = ST_FRAME;
	colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
	font = "TahomaB";
	sizeEx = 0.03;
	x = 0.40;
	y = 0.22;
	w = 0.20;
	h = 0.56;
onLoad = "_this Exec ""\gdtmod_hdr\mouseon.sqf""";
onUnload = "_this Exec ""\gdtmod_hdr\mouseoff.sqf""";
objects[] = {};
controls[] = {gdtmod_hdr_dialog_aperture1, gdtmod_hdr_dialog_aperture2, gdtmod_hdr_dialog_aperture3, gdtmod_hdr_dialog_preset, gdtmod_hdr_dialog_nvg, gdtmod_hdr_dialog_exit};

class gdtmod_hdr_dialog_aperture1 : gdtmod_hdr_RscText
	idc = 102;
	colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
	style = ST_CENTER;
	x = 0.41;
	y = 0.24;
	w = 0.18;
	h = 0.06;
	sizeEx = 0.08;
	text = "/\";

class gdtmod_hdr_dialog_aperture2 : gdtmod_hdr_RscText
	idc = 103;
	colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
	style = ST_CENTER;
	x = 0.41;
	y = 0.30;
	w = 0.18;
	h = 0.06;
	text = "Mouse Wheel";

class gdtmod_hdr_dialog_aperture3 : gdtmod_hdr_RscText
	idc = 104;
	colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
	style = ST_CENTER;
	x = 0.41;
	y = 0.36;
	w = 0.18;
	h = 0.06;
	sizeEx = 0.08;
	text = "\/";

class gdtmod_hdr_dialog_preset : gdtmod_hdr_RscActiveText
	idc = 105;
	style = ST_CENTER;
	x = 0.41;
	y = 0.47;
	w = 0.18;
	h = 0.05;
	text = "Preset Eyes";
	action = "gdtmod_hdr_Value = gdtmod_hdr_preset; setAperture gdtmod_hdr_Value;";
	default = true;

class gdtmod_hdr_dialog_nvg : gdtmod_hdr_RscActiveText
	idc = 106;
	style = ST_CENTER;
	x = 0.41;
	y = 0.57;
	w = 0.18;
	h = 0.05;
	text = "Preset NVG";
	action = "gdtmod_hdr_Value = gdtmod_hdr_nvg; setAperture gdtmod_hdr_Value;";
	default = true;

class gdtmod_hdr_dialog_exit : gdtmod_hdr_RscButton
	idc = 107;
	x = 0.45;
	y = 0.66;
	w = 0.1;
	h = 0.1;
	colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
	colorBackground[] = {1, 0, 0, 0.4};
	colorBackgroundActive[] = {1, 0, 0, 0.8};
	text = "Exit";
	action = "closeDialog 0";

Now in game this doesn't error but on click from escape menu it does nothing at all. But if I change config onclick line to point to init.sqf I get an already defined error on load up.

Im no scripter (much at all with this type of thing) so could the author or ANYONE please look at this (or PM me) and see if they can get a working version of this so HDR mod works from ESC menu, some tips would be great or any feedback from the author.

EDIT: Ive PM'd the author also.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Please clarify this: Starting the HDR menu via actionmenu does not work on your game.

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Im aware that you have 2 options, that being the key & action menu simply by switching the config settings. I'm not saying they both dont work, I was referring mainly to the situation that this mod wont start up again once you have saved an SP mission, exited the game, come back later, load .. then its missing.

I was just putting forward the idea much like a few other mods, to have it so its neither under key, not clogging up the actionmenu, but a version where its placed in the esc menu only, nice and tidy and easy to call up at any time no matter the scenario.

Realy im saying "no matter what can we have a esc menu version please"

Same as VVFPS mod and Digital Compass mod.

If you would be so kind sir ;)

Please ignore my failed attempts, kind of a side issue for personal use if I could get it to work, but as im shoddy with working out the code even personal use I couldn't get it to work. Hence coming forward to post about it (otherwise I wouldn't have bothered anyone with it). Although I still think an ESC menu version is a good option for many as it was helpful for VVFPS in MP and other situations.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Mrcash is on the right path with this thing.I have same problem with Arma1 version,i can't start mission if i'm not sure i can complete it the same day.Please anyone with scripting skills,help with this issue.

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I think the issue is when under the key option = this will not bring it back after mission save and exit then return, if you set it so its under command menu (via the config file), this in fact does work all the time. Which is great.

Its just that as a preference and it working all the time no question, under the esc key as a version is the final version for those who like the esc key option. Mainly because the action menu can get so clogged up at times.

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Since the actionmenu works in all situations and the request is only a nice to have feature i won't implement this.

I like the idea too, but i have no time for this. There are to many other (and for me more importend) things for ArmA2 to do.

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Not a problem, thanks for posting to inform.

Its true that whats nice vs important as an author is a whole different thing and I respect that.

Thanks again for the hard work so far.

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I'm looking for a mod that works with single player - I'm playing the Navy Seals campaign and a mission is on the carrier. The bright lights on there just black-out the screen making gameplay impossible :(

Is there such a thing for single player?

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My posts here may confuse, but this is for moth PM and SP.

All you need to do is install and then in the config file set it so it uses the command menu this will then work when loading from an SP save .. basically it works for SP.

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Um... right. I'm sure it said "doesn't work with SP it will crash" - must have read it wrong. Sorry, I'm not and experienced modder :(

Any chance of step by step instructions to do this? Might be worth including in the downloaded instructions?

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Um... right. I'm sure it said "doesn't work with SP it will crash" - must have read it wrong. Sorry, I'm not and experienced modder :(

Any chance of step by step instructions to do this? Might be worth including in the downloaded instructions?

It does say that, it is referring to the use of a previous version. Just as long as you use the action menu activation you should be fine.

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Also once you have it insalled edit the config file and the line (very top first line)

_menu = 1; // 0 = Start menu via Key, 1 = Start menu via Actionmenu.

=1; is for action menu :) Change and save it, because on install its default =0.

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Unfortunately this works only until i save an mission, and once i load it the NVG are useless again.

Activation on mission start does not work, and it does not shows up in the action menu.

BIS should fix their fucking NVG`s themselves. They where useless in Armed Assault, and it`s still the same shit.:protest:

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I use ACE Full, what fix are you mean?

Still the same problem as without ACE.

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