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Surrender Modul

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How surrender modul works?

I just put it into the map and all AI character at all side will surrend if the suppression is high? Or I have to syncronize or initalize somehow?

It's a little bit underdocumented in the biki...

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Edit:You have to place it around, when the suppression fire is too heavy, enemy unit will drop it's weapon and turn into captive.

Edited by Benny.

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Sry to hijack-ish?

But when using multiple modules-is it better to group the modules then one sync line?

Or sync them all inividually?

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Spliting them doesn't hurt if you want a better 'view'. It will just run the synchronization script twice. (one for a group, one for the other...)

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If I want the enemy surrend,

I have to sync this modul to the player group? Or to the each enemy group?

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Only put the surrender modul on the map without synchronisation. When the suppression fire is too heavy, the enemy unit will drop down her weapons and turn into captive mode. Looks like they are civilians now. Players side units never surrender.

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