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GnySgt Hartman Sr DI

Turning the tide?

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1st off where is Bravo? I never see them. 2nd what is the best strategy for winning this mission?

I've tried to postup with sniper rifle, but that doesnt work.

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Take it slow until you actually get to the enemy camp. Deffinitely take the sniper rifle, and always watch out for enemys in different directions. Bravo will attack when you radio for them to come in. you have to do that manually. Also, take as many law launchers as possible, including you, so that your other soldiers have the ability to take out the APCs that are there as well. Try to stay on higher ground until you reach a good point of vantage on the camp, and you could keep a few guys with you for support, and send the rest in to attack the camp with Bravo, or you could all go in. thats pretty much what i'd do.

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I do the same as Aculaud. Take out the BMP as soon as possible, then call in Bravo. Send your men into the camp while you stay back and cover with your sniper rifle.

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Staying on high ground behind good cover is almost always the best tactical solution. Only if a tank is engaging you, you`re in big trouble, sitting ducks up there biggrin.gif

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