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Can you add scripts and game logics in the demo? Also, modules not working.

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I've been at a lost as to how to add these logics that I hear improve the AI greatly in the editor (Like suppression and such), they are not listed in the game logics section. ( I could just be missing something) Also, I've seen lots of interesting scripts, but I'm not sure they can be used with the demo.. I don't think so, but I might as well ask.

My ambient civilian module doesn't do anything as well, I sync it to myself but nothing ever spawns. The same goes for the Ambient Combat and the SpecOp thing (In fact, I get errors and CTDs when I try to use the support feature), all synced and done properly with no result.I'm really blown away by this game, and I want to get the most out of these great features I hear about. Thank you for your assistance.

Edited by Syllvia
Remembered something important.

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Yeah, I've got the demo - and it isn't doing anything, either. Here's my setup, by the way.


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I got civilians and surrendering to work without any synchronization, in the demo. Civilians were not spawned in the city I was in, but in the neighouring cities. However, due to lack of models in the demo, I suspect it will not be as filled as we want it to.

No luck with any of the medic modules, when I'm the hurt and my unit doesn't have a medic. Also ACM I had no joy.

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The medic ones seemed to work okay for - synchronise the "simulation" module with a group and you get people writhing on the ground after being injured, and group members trying to help them. Although, they only seem to do anything if you're actually incapacitated, if you're still on your feet I guess they expect you to help yourself.

I also synced the battlefield clearance module, but haven't noticed it having any effect.

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I can't speak to the civilian modules and such, but take a look at this for some basic Ambient Combat Module tweaking info. Hope it helps.

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I suppose it has to do with the limited models in the demo or some such, there is a lot missing after all. Also, since you can't save your missions in the demo, there's not a whole lot you can do in regards to tweaks.

Oh well, I suppose I'll just settle for my standard none-dynamic ambient wartime merriment.

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I don't think that's an issue at all - I can spawn groups manually, for example...

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The combat module in Arma 2 demo WORKS! I just played for about 15 minutes running over Chernarus and suddenly an insurgent patrol spawned! so it works, but I ran for about 15 mins after that (on 4x speed) and nobody else spawned! just that patrol.

I see there are scripts for increasing intensity which might be usefull, but they are all external scripts, and DEMO cant save mission, so I cant make ext scripts. writing those scripts in game doesnt work. And if anyone can transcribe those scripts for use in game, I will be gratefull!

//The intensity value should be a Number between 0.0 and 1.0.

[<intensity | Number>, <ACM reference | Object>] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;

found here: http://www.caveofdistraction.com/2009/06/26/arma2-basic-tweaking-of-the-ambient-combat-module/

Edited by Yorke
write in codes

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I envy you. One patrol? That's more than I ever see :(

Couldn't you just put those in the ACM's init field, though?

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