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Destroy trigger

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Hi guys. Im creating my first coop mission, and one of the objectives is to destroy a empty vehicle.

The other is to clear the town of enemies. (Done)

The "search, kill and destroy" objective needs to be completed when the vehicle AND the city is cleared. How do i make a trigger that activates when the vehicle is destroyed?

Note: Im newb in this mission making, so go easy. :j:

Also, how do i get the briefing to check, when the objective is complete?


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How do i make a trigger that activates when the vehicle is destroyed?

Condition in the trigger:

! alive NameVehicle


getDamage NameVehicle >= 0.7

Edited by Imutep

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Ok thanks. Now i only need the rest of it.. Hehe

---------- Post added at 02:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 PM ----------

So, when i make 3 triggers, they all have

Trigger 1: condition: ! alive t1

Trigger 2: condition: ! alive t2

Trigger 3: condition: ! alive t3

Truck 1: Name: t1

Truck 2: Name: t2

Truck 3: Name: t3

Is that correct?

And then what?

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The task in your briefing should be completed if the trucks or one of them are destroyed? Ok, then you write in the activation field on your trigger....

[b][color="Red"]task1[/color][/b] setTaskState "succeeded";

Now in your briefing is task1 completed. More infos about the ArmA2 briefings you can find here...or here.

If you want that all 3 trucks should be destroyed for completed task1 (task1 is an example) then write in the condition of the trigger...

! alive t1 && ! alive t2 && ! alive t3


not alive t1 and not alive t2 and not alive t3

Hope this helps ;)

Edited by Imutep

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No, the task is to be cleared when the trucks, and the area is cleared (cleared trigger is made).

As far as i understand, i need to make a trigger which ends the game, when several triggers have been triggered.

The t1 etc triggers, should i just leave everything in them by default, and only change condition to ! alive NameVehicle?

---------- Post added at 03:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:53 PM ----------

Helped alot, thanks. Works fine. But into that last trigger, i need to add a trigger more. The trigger i made that is activated when opfor is "not present".

Should i call it "aa" and then in the end #1 trigger type:

! alive t1 && ! alive t2 && ! alive t3 && aa


---------- Post added at 03:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:26 PM ----------

Because mission must not be completed before 1, trucks are destroyed and 2, opfor not present.

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