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ArmA II Autoupdater?

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should arma2 have an autoupdater?, i mean, because we got these updates almost everyday :) (thanks to the bis) so it would be nice to have autoupdate system,so people dont have to search these updates for everyday. and for multiplay,everyone got's allways the newest version, so there wont be version problems and these kind of things?.

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That is a very good idea, but it might be hard to implement, or maybe not. It may be more convenient for some people to just get the updates from the website, but it is a good idea.

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Steam is god!!!!!

not really, I still haven't finished installing DOD:S because the f****** thing refuses to finish autoupdating.

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For multiplayer it doesn't really matter, it'll tell you if you're out of date. In fact I remember Arma 1 tells you when you hit the server browser if there's a more recent version, so I think it does do a version check in-game.

I don't think BIS have a very good file distribution network - they seem to rely on community mirrors. Nothing wrong with that, and it's in fact exactly what those mirrors are there for so there's nothing to be gained by replicating them. However it does mean it'd be harder for an auto-updater to find a source, especially right after patches are released. The patches do tend to be rather large, after all.

Conclusion: BIS should be focussing on programming, not content distribution. Current system works fine.

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yep, din't mentioned that current system is bad,"or anything like that", but the updater it would be very handy thing.. like an world of warcraft. "BIS is this impossiple"? :)

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