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Trigger big area

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I am Blufor.

AI is Opfor.

Then, if I have a trigger that cover a big, big area, and have blufor on activasion, and present.

And then I have it synchronized with a opfor chopper to come and searh and destroy when the trigger is activated.

Now, I dont want to that the chopper is searching out all area, becouse it so big. I just want to search around the area where they spotted me.. lets say 200-400 meters around the area where they spotted me, or around the guy who spotted me. Can something like that be done? And how?

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Mutliple over lapping triggers, maybe? Instead of one big area.

---------- Post added at 02:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 PM ----------

I'm stuck at work and don't have the editor here, but wouldn't the activation that you want be: Bluefor "detect by" Opfor?

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You can set the radius of the SAD-waypoint from the chopper to 200 or 400 meters. Or whats the problem? :)

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problem is that I am going to activate that trigger by be spotted by the enemy, well thats not probm it should be so :D.

Anyway, I dont want to let the player be safe in a very big area, and if I have a SAD in all my area, then maybe the chopper start to search in wrong area, where the player isnt.

I want that the chopper is searching around the player, but want to have that kind in a very very large area, so the next time they spot me, I will be 200-1000 meters away from my last get spotted position. so this time I want that the chopper are searhing around the player where he is at the moment.

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Ok at first, i'm at the beginning on learning sqf scripting, so maybe somebody knows a better way for that. Here is an example how you get the heli to "searching around" the player. The heli isn't realy searching, but maybe it helps :rolleyes:

nul=[NameHeli,Player] execVM "moveTo.sqf";


_plane = _this select 0;
_unit = _this select 1;
while { alive player } do
 _plane doMove position _unit;
sleep 4;

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