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Starting off prone

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What is the command to get your soilder to start off prone?

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Hmm.. I put it into the init. field of the soilder, and it didnt work, I changed soilderOne to "this" though. And I was not prone.

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put this in the init. field: This setbehaviour "stealth"

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hmmm...it works on me....


wait...if you are trying to get YOURSELF(the player, you) to start off prone..then it doesn't work for some reason in "AWARE" mode.

try what Aculaud suggests; if that doesn't work, screw it. tounge.gif

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Well thank you for your help, but it still isn't working, and it is a pretty big part of one of my missions..

Anyone else have a clue?

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Phisher have you tried out "switchMove" -command? In unit's init field: this switchMove "CombatToCrouch"

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I believe that going prone works with the "Aware state".

But just for you info here are Most practical units:

this setcombatmode "RED"; this setbehaviour "combat"; Engages, Fires and goes after you the minute they see you, but are'nt to easy to kill

this setcombatmode "GREEN"; this setbehaviour "combat"; Engages, Fires and goes IF you provoke them, but often just hits the ground when in danger

this setcombatmode "GREEN"; this setbehaviour "Stealth"; Engages, Fires and goes IF you provoke them, but is very good at hiding

this setcombatmode "GREEN"; this setbehaviour "Safe"; Engages, Fires and goes IF you provoke them, but are not wary, they cry weapon on shoulders.

Hope this helps smile.gif

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As i remember, the setbehaviour or combatmode,

doesn't work, if you want to do it with your own


I suggest, you should give chartier's method a try.

I'm not sure, if it was playmove or switchmove, which

alters the player himself.

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this switchMove "CombatToCrouch"

works on player but he is in crouch mode and not prone, do you know the prone command?

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