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Arma 2 freeze after 10/15 min... also withpatch 1.02

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freezing here too

obviously a software problem

how many more years to solution?!

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This is a thread from last year.

Have you tried latest patch? (ARMA2=1.07 OperationArrowhead=1.52)

Look for a more recent post regarding freezing/ctd.

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i've searched for all possible solutions, none work

game version 1.07.71750

it's same problem from this thread

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System specs?

Sounds like it could be an over-heat problem.

Check gcard temperatures while playing and see what it is when this happens.

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the only thing to freeze is arma2, i can still terminate the process and reopen the game normally

NOT a hardware problem

core2duo extreme

4gb mem

nvidia geforce 9600GT

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just to add to the forum, i also get this problem after maybe 10-15min of games play the game will go into a huge lag spike and not come out and just freeze. sometimes the screen as it freezes, also blocks out in little resish tinted block

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Well it seems there will be always something not allowing me from enjoying this game.

The game freezing for seconds after 10 minutes game play with a lot of action around.

My gpu never gets above 60 but the fans only run with 25 % at most.

Can somebody tell me or give some ideas for solving the problem?

Thank you all

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