g-man-853 10 Posted June 24, 2009 (edited) UGAF is a unit based in the UK with serving military members. We are looking for mature members 16+ who enjoy playing ArmA2. We are looking for experienced,mission creators and new players who work well in squads. We have two ArmA 2 servers running. Requirements Age 16+ Working mic. TeamSpeak good attitude Also please sign in and post server suggestions in our forum. We would like to know what you would like on the servers. UGAF Homepage Edited November 6, 2009 by G-Man-853 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
g-man-853 10 Posted July 27, 2009 (edited) We now have two ArmA 2 servers running. Keep an eye out on our upcoming events calendar for organised mission timings. We are also working on personalised missions. Edited November 6, 2009 by G-Man-853 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
g-man-853 10 Posted November 6, 2009 There has been some major changes to [uGAF] since the last post. Our website has now moved to http://www.ugaf.co.uk We now run a very powerful dedicated server with: .Intel Pentium Dual AMD Quad Core 3.2 Gig 4Gig RAM 250 Gig HD SATA/RAID 0+1 . Unlimited Bandwidth Teamspeak is now our main voice server The move filtered out members who were not so dedicated to the squad. These need replacing. We are looking for squad members to fill ground roles (Infantry, engineers, medics and so on) Pilots are welcome. Also any budding or experienced mission makers or addon makers are most welcome. We mainly play Coop missions but have regular inter-squad competitions on TvT modes. There is training 1-2 times a week to brush up on skills as an individual and Squad. UGAF Structure and strength (Once the shown squads are full support squads will be added) HQ 100% 1st Squad - Alpha Fireteam 100% Bravo Fireteam 75% 2nd Squad - Alpha Fireteam 25% Bravo Fireteam 0% If you are interested register on our website and join us on our teamspeak. See if it's for you. Also if any squads would like a joint Coop or TvT please also register and post here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
g-man-853 10 Posted November 27, 2009 (edited) Here are a couple of videos highlighting a recent joint coop with 10th Community and 3MERC. The mission was an excellent new version of Hunt Waldo 2 created by Bon-Inf of the 10th community. The mission run on our public server so anybody could join in once the three squads had been selected. Usually we run missions in veteran mode but I decided because I was going to have the public joining in I'd have it on regular. Visit our website to keep informed of any events like this. You can also join us on our teamspeak. zia1jkvMvwE urD1PqMlySo ykamuz9pUks Edited March 11, 2010 by G-Man-853 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
g-man-853 10 Posted January 8, 2010 (edited) There has been a few changes to UGAF since the last post. We have regular joint ops with other squads most Saturdays and Sundays on our private server. All joint op's are played on our Veteran settings: class Veteran { class Flags { Armor=0; FriendlyTag=0; EnemyTag=0; HUD=1; HUDPerm=0; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=1; WeaponCursor=0; AutoAim=0; AutoGuideAT=0; 3rdPersonView=0; ClockIndicator=1; Map=0; Tracers=1; AutoSpot=0; UltraAI=0; DeathMessages=1; NetStats=0; VonID=1; }; If any squads or public are interested in joining or have any missions they would like to play. Please post here. Join our public @ACE server at around 2000gmt to start any missions that we may be playing. Server 1 runs with out any addons but you may use certain addons on our server. Default public server settings: class Regular { class Flags { Armor=1; FriendlyTag=1; EnemyTag=0; HUD=1; HUDPerm=0; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=1; WeaponCursor=1; AutoAim=0; AutoGuideAT=0; 3rdPersonView=1; ClockIndicator=1; Map=1; Tracers=1; AutoSpot=0; UltraAI=0; DeathMessages=1; NetStats=1; VonID=1; }; For a list of accepted addons for our public servers click here. Check on Yomas addon sync to see the addon updates. For a guide and info to use YOMA's addon sync to join our servers follow this link: http://www.ugaf.co.uk/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=134&pid=591#post_591 We now use TS 3 as our main voice server. TS3 details: IP: Port:9987 password: thunder68 Please make sure you have the up to date client version or you may have problems:http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads Also join our teamspeak 3 server to join get the private server password and join us for the mission or any other joint coops we play on there. If you would like to join a UGAF squad please register and sign in on our website then apply here. Squad training is done on Wednesday nights 2000gmt. This is a good time for people new or veterans to ArmA 2 and ace. Training modules: Communication (in game and teamspeak),Navigation,ACE features , weapons training , formation and tactics. Specialist training: Sniper ,AT Specialist, Pilot , Tank crew/commanders , Reconnaissance. Edited March 11, 2010 by G-Man-853 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
g-man-853 10 Posted April 12, 2010 (edited) UGAF are actively recruiting We are looking for both players that are new to the world of ArmA2 and veterans to the game. United Global Armed Force use ace2 on all mission and training. We have our own YAS repos for both private and public servers.Details found here Training is done every Wednesday this is for squad members to practice standard operating procedures in their squads. Also recruits will be trained up to the required levels for the squads. Missions are done as part of Campaigns Every Sunday and any other day that may be posted on the events calender found here. All squad members receive a squad badge with their squad number and country once they have finished there recruit phase. UGAF Current Structure Full roster found here. OVERVIEW The new UGAF training programme is designed to be robust and easy for new members to adapt to. Some elements have been taking from other units training programmes as reference and adapted to suite UGAF's current game play style. These units are mentioned at the end of this document. Please note that this programme is not set in stone and lessons may be taught that are not included. This is a rough guide of what members can expect on a week by week basis. UGAF 4 week Training Programme Week 1. Revision Session (2000GMT - 2045GMT) A revision of the previous training session. Training organiser recaps on previous session and a quick practical is carried out to re-iterate his lesson. Next training topic begins (2045GMT- 2145GMT) Possible Lessons :- Boot Camp Members (Specifically new recruits) are put through boot camp. Assault courses, beestings and long runs are endured during this lesson. Basic Navigation Members are taught (If required) basic navigation. Grid references, land mark recognition, map symbols are all taught in this lesson. After this members will be giving a short navigation exercise. Advanced Navigation Advanced navigation is taught, ideally after recapping basic navigation. Night navigation is primarily taught during this lesson. Members are giving a longer, more advanced navigation exercises both as groups and individually. Skill at arms Love is a warm gun. Members are taking to the ranges and are allowed to tune up their skills in their current role. Shooting competitions are held, squad vs squad along with a PIP being developed (Personal Improvement Plan) to help members better improve their marksmanship skills Formations Members are taught formations. Column formation, Line formation & staggered column and more are taught in this lesson and the uses of each formation are told. Week 2. Revision Session (2000GMT - 2045GMT) A revision of the previous training session. Training organiser recaps on previous session and a quick practical is carried out to re-iterate his lesson. Next training topic begins (2045GMT- 2145GMT) Possible Lessons :- FIBUA - Fighting In a Build Up Area Members learn how to operate in a build up area such as a city or town. CQB is a primary method for carrying out combat like this. Patrol - Basic Members carry out a basic foot patrol over a distance of no more than 10KM. Patrol designed to get members used to long drawn out missions and sometimes large distances without any combat. Squad leaders are also trained the basics of leading a squad during this exercise and observe HQ's communications & movements. MINIMUM enemy contact involved. (PARTS 1&2 TO BE CARRIED OUT NUMERICALLY - PART 2 can be carried out only when members have completed PART 1) Introduction to Mechanised Vehicles PT1 Wimik's, Humvee's and other light vehicles are introduced and members are trained on how to operate their weaponry. Introduction to Mechanised Vehicles PT2 Members are taught how to patrol using vehicles. Vehicle formations are discussed and explained and a short patrol carried out. Patrol to be no more than 5KM and should not be over complicated and involve MINIMUM enemy contact. Week 3. Revision Session (2000GMT - 2045GMT) A revision of the previous training session. Training organiser recaps on previous session and a quick practical is carried out to re-iterate his lesson. Next training topic begins (2045GMT- 2145GMT) Possible Lessons :- Air Assault & JTAC PT1 Members will be taught the basics of inserting via airborne vehicles. Insertion and Exfil methods are practised along with causality evacuation or CASEVAC. Air Assault & JTAC P2 Members are taught the basics for calling in air support from friendly call signs and also giving the aircraft BDA or Battle Damage Assessment. Advanced Patrol Members carry out a patrol using techniques taught so far. They are inserted via helicopter, patrol a giving area and then call in an Evac helicopter to return to base. Parachuting Members are taught the basics of parachuting. Week 4. Revision Session (2000GMT - 2045GMT) A revision of the previous training session. Training organiser recaps on all previous training sessions. Next training topic begins (2045GMT- 2145GMT) Possible Lessons :- Mission - Members carry out a mission that incorporates all training topics covered. UGAF TV UGAF also has its own procaster channel. We will be recording most missions and special events live. Feel free to look through the on-demand library. http://www.livestream.com/ugaf Edited April 13, 2010 by G-Man-853 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Recon2130 10 Posted May 15, 2010 (edited) United Global Armed Force is holding a coop night on Sunday 15th May 2010. We have a series of missions that can and most likely will be played depending on numbers. Although it is not required we would ask that if anyone decides to play can you please join our Team Speak 3 server in the interests of furthering our cooperation with the Arma 2 community. We would also like other clans to come along if possible as well and perhaps exchange knowledge, tactics and generally have a good time playing with each other. If any other units are interested please E-Mail either myself or G-Man on the email addresses to follow and we can set up a Team speak 3 channel for you if needed. We appreciate this is very short notice!!! We aim to kick off the evening at around 1900hrs GMT (1800Zulu) Just a general note that during this time all vehicles will be locked by the server administrator and only unlocked if and when needed. Again this is not because we don't trust anyone but because, and I'm sure other clans will agree we get aggravated when people use & abuse vehicles when its not needed. We are hoping for a good turn out so pop in! Please Email for further details: [email protected] OR [email protected] Our Teamspeak address is listed above but for easy reference: IP: Port: 9987 Password: thunder68 We will be streaming the event live via our Procaster Channel. The video will then be added to UGAF TV which can be found on our website or just click the link in my signature so even if you can't take part you can still watch the fun! Kindest Regards, Recon United Global Armed Force Edited May 15, 2010 by Recon2130 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
g-man-853 10 Posted May 15, 2010 Just further info for the above event. The public server is currently on ACE b353 If you have Yoma's addon sync you can ensure you have the same version as our server by clicking the following link: yashttp://folders.ugaf-addons.co.uk/UGAF_ACE_Server.yas or manually enter the autoconfig url: http://folders.ugaf-addons.co.uk/ACE_Server/modreopo.7z Sorry for the bump but I was unable to get hold of Recon to edit his post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Recon2130 10 Posted May 16, 2010 The members & staff of UGAF would like to thank those who took part in our coop. It was a very enjoyable evening for all who took part. We would especially like to thank the 10th SFG & the 7-75th Ranger's for there participation. Unfortunately due to Server issues that were beyond our control the missions we were playing were restarted a few times but eventually we managed to have a very satisfying evening. Stay tuned either via this post or via our website for other upcoming events which may interest you! G-man managed to film the entire event on our Procaster channel. We will add this as soon as the website has finished processing the video for playback. Again well done to everyone who took part and we hope to see you again both on unofficial and official games! Kind Regards, Recon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Recon2130 10 Posted June 2, 2010 Hey Everyone. United Global Armed Force is holding an open event on Sunday night (06/06/2010) beginning at 1900GMT. This event is open to all members of the Arma2 community including those who are already in clans. We are planning on releasing our new custom Domination for use on our Public server and would like to get to know the community a little better. Our server is always running the most up to date ACE2 pack so make sure you have the latest version before joining. You can download the latest version of ACE2 with Yoma's Addon Sync 2009 available Here. Use the following server address to download the same version of ACE2 as our server. http://folders.ugaf-addons.co.uk/ACE_Server/modreopo.7z Also note our public server does not allow custom faces or sounds to ensure maximum stability during peoples time on the server. Addon's are restricted server side so please only come to the event with ACE2 and a sound mod of your choice to ensure you can connect. Again this is for server stability. Please accept our invitation to also join our Teamspeak 3 to make the evening/afternoon (Depending) even more enjoyable. We hope to see you on Sunday and here's to another successful night of cooperative gaming! Kind Regards, Recon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marine123 10 Posted July 8, 2010 Hello Everyone Our Arrowhead server has finally been up and running we are currently running domination on our server. We also are using pre-set gear if people are having trouble with the current ammobox out there. We hope to see you on our server sometime, feel free to come onto our teamspeak 3 server during match. Marine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marine123 10 Posted July 18, 2010 (edited) we currently are running our ace OA domination on our server UGAF ACE2-OA AddonSync AutoConfig URL this works for Combined Ops & OA-Only http://folders.ugaf-addons.co.uk/OA_ACE/modreopo.7z Come have game with us sometime our teamspeak 3 server IP: Password: thunder68 Our game server ip Edited July 22, 2010 by Marine123 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Recon2130 10 Posted August 10, 2010 Hey Everyone. United Global Armed Force is holding a coop event on Friday evening (13/08/2010) beginning at 1700Z. This event is open to all members of the Arma2 community including those who are already in clans. We are planning on playing some missions that, up until now have been purely for UGAF use. These missions are all public friendly and do not require any addons. Requirements: Arma2, Operation Arrowhead, ACE2 & CBA. Our server is always running the most up to date ACE2 pack so make sure you have the latest version before joining. You can download the latest version of ACE2 with Yoma's Addon Sync 2009 available Here. Use the following server address to download the same version of ACE2 as our server. Code: http://folders.ugaf-addons.co.uk/ACE_Server/modreopo.7z Also note our public server does not allow custom faces or sounds to ensure maximum stability during peoples time on the server. Addon's are restricted server side so please only come to the event with ACE2 and a sound mod of your choice to ensure you can connect. Again this is for server stability. Please accept our invitation to also join our Teamspeak 3 to make the evening/afternoon (Depending) even more enjoyable. We hope to see you on Friday and here's to another successful night of cooperative gaming! Kind Regards, Recon UGAF 2IC Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
g-man-853 10 Posted August 27, 2010 Marine[uGAF] has edited Xeno's Domination to use British Armed Forces Units and weapons our ace OA domination on our server. This is now up and running. UGAF ACE2-OA AddonSync AutoConfig URL this works for Combined Ops, & OA-Only http://folders.ugaf-addons.co.uk/OA_ACE/modreopo.7z Direct link: yashttp://folders.ugaf-addons.co.uk/UGAF_OA+A2_Server.yas Come and have a game and join us on our teamspeak 3 server IP: Password: thunder68 Our game server ip Please also read our server rules:http://www.ugaf.co.uk/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=65 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marine123 10 Posted September 19, 2010 (edited) We are hosting a public night on our server wednesday night Come and have a game and join us on our teamspeak 3 server IP: Password: thunder68 Our game server ip Time: This will start around 1800z (7pm) Mods Required All the Ace and acre Please also read our server rules:http://www.ugaf.co.uk/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=65 www.ugaf.co.uk Edited September 20, 2010 by Marine123 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marine123 10 Posted November 2, 2010 (edited) We are hosting a public night on our server next sunday night Come and have a game and join us on our teamspeak 3 server IP: Password: thunder68 Our game server ip Time: This will start around 1800z (7pm) Mods Required All the Ace Acre is optional We will be having a realistic domination night no mhq, pilots will fly everyone in. if you want to fly you must be on our ts3 server Please also read our server rules:http://www.ugaf.co.uk/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=65 www.ugaf.co.uk Edited November 7, 2010 by Marine123 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Recon2130 10 Posted November 26, 2010 As of a unknown time on Thursday 25th November 2010 the United Global Armed Force website went offline. We are unsure as to the reason of this however wish to assure the BI community that we are working on getting it back up as quickly as possible. The downtime was not scheduled. We will have it back online hopefully within the next 24-48hours. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Kind Regards Recon UGAF 2IC. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Recon2130 10 Posted December 3, 2010 Greetings, Just a small update on what has been going on in UGAF over the past weeks. First of all I am pleased to say that we got our website back up and running. This outage was caused by our domain providers going bust and therefore we had to transfer our website to a new provider. No data loss was incurred because of this move. UGAF is now running 1.56 on all of it's servers and has added ACRE to our public server to allow public players who use the addon that extra bit of realism. Please be aware we always run the most recent version. This can be downloaded from our Yoma repository's. We have also continued to update ACE on Yoma. We were discussing sticking to stable releases only however we got a visit from Sickboy who persuaded us to stick with the beta updates and provide the community with an alternative means of updating (other than 6 updater). We also host the stable releases from the following Yoma link. This has NOT been updated to 1.6 and is still hosting 1.5 stable. We will update this thread once we have 1.6 ready for download. http://folders.ugaf-addons.co.uk/OA_ACE/modreopo.7z We have also recently got back to a high level of readiness. Over the summer months we fell in to a period of decreased activity while people enjoyed the summer weather. Now that this has passed we are slowly climbing back to full strength and have been working hard to get our skills polished. We have also gained strong ties with the -=GiFr=- community and have been in constant communication with them over joint operations and training. This has been laughed at by many of our UK members with the recent news on the UK & French now being officially allies. Please be sure to visit our website and check to see if any events are happening over the coming weeks. UGAF are constantly planning public missions and would love for you to join in! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Recon2130 10 Posted January 16, 2011 Well this post is well overdue! A good a** kicking for myself and G-Man is in order for not doing this sooner. Anyhow here's the first update of 2011 for United Global Armed Force. We hope you all had a fantastic Christmas & new year. Inter-Clan Relations It has been announced to our members that we are now working on a new campaign. This campaign will be internal to UGAF members only. The inspiration however and the basic concept has come from outside sources. Recently G-Man got in contact with Task Force 86 about the possibility of doing a joint op with them. In the process the persistent campaign that they have going has caught his eye. So now he wants UGAF to have a similar system. Not a bad plan, just means more work for the mission makers (DOH!). The development of the campaign is already under way, the back story and theatre for it is being looked in to as we speak. Very exciting stuff and we'll keep you updated. What's been going on with UGAF since the near year!? New Members: In other news UGAF has been growing steadily both with official members and the regular public members of the community who just want some fun. We would prefer the first but the second allows us to gloat with our shiny XML's. They all break eventually - Remember that! Missions: We held our first big op of the year last Sunday (09/01/2011). Operation Buzzsaw which some of you may have seen kicking about on Armaholic and on the BI forums. It was a fantastic op and everyone who took part was outstanding. We completed all of our objectives with no casualties. G-man got hit on the head a few times but he hasn't got much to damage in that department! He videoed the entire thing on our livestream. He has cut out the main insertion as he crashed and it did not look right. The video starts with him being reinserted back in to the AO by our flight element. You can view this video HERE. Be aware that it is 2 and a bit hours long! Other videos such as our training sessions are also present however they normally don't end with the same success; Don't say I didn't warn you! Stuff of concern: Unfortunately Christmas has brought UGAF some misery. Due to the inability to respect other people's 'Property' our dedicated server, which hosts our game servers & Teamspeak 3 server has been subject of DDOS attacks. The source of the attacks are unknown however it seems to have eased up a little over the past week so hopefully our provider has sorted it. We have, like many other server providers for Arma II have been having the issue with hackers killing our game servers. This is due to a vulnerability in ARMA II's programming and not our server. We apologise in advance if you are suddenly kicked due to one of these hacks but until BIS fixes it we cannot do anything about it. To find out if it is an issue with us or with the server please visit our website. Please note: If our website is down too it is an issue with our provider and not UGAF. That pretty much covers everything for today. If I have missed anything G-man will probably post up with it. Take care all, Recon UGAF 2IC Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Recon2130 10 Posted January 28, 2011 Just a small update from UGAF. We have exciting news. We are currently in the process of redesigning our entire website. The redesign will feature an entirly new look and also add some new features that up until now have been unavailable to us. The whole of UGAF would like to thank G-Man for his tireless work in producing this new website. We know from his constant moaning that he has lost countless hours of sleep doing this and we are grateful for his efforts. UGAF is still progressing with training and missions and is evolving in to an even more tactical community that uses real life tactics and procedures within the confines of Arma II. To find out more please visit our website. With the new website due to go live soon please expect down time on and after the event while we work out the bugs. We hope to see you soon. Take care, Recon UGAF 2IC Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Recon2130 10 Posted April 8, 2011 (edited) <Sarcasim>Another update from your favorite Arma II group!</Sarcasim> Well the last few months have bore alot of fruit for UGAF and we are expanding steadily. We have just had a large intake of new members and our squads are filling out nicely. As UGAF grows more squads will be opened up to accomodate them. To prepare for this UGAF have started running leadership courses for those who may want to dive in to the depths of squad leading during our mission. Note: Leadership training is only available to UGAF members. Our current members are under review from the leadership powers at the moment to see whos ready to go from grunt to grunt with privlages (NCO). After this has been decided the lucky members will go through training courses on being a grunt with privlages that will allow them to fufil there new roles. UGAF now has a blog up and running and is maintained by myself. It is brand new so content is lacking at the moment until I get more time to work on it. It will have information on our events and Q&A sessions with our members. G-Man and one of our senior members, wookie, have already taking part and these have been posted on the blog. UGAF's Blog Well thats about it for now. Please remember to visit our website and say hello. We are always running public events so to make sure you know when we have one planned visit our events page! Regards, Recon UGAF 2IC Edited April 11, 2011 by Recon2130 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Recon2130 10 Posted July 5, 2011 Greetings fellow arma junkies!! Its been a while and i'm bored so I thought I would post up some news about how UGAF is doing! First off we have had yet another re-org within the squads (what a nightmare it was!!) and we have 2 new callsigns! Romeo - Formally Bravo 2 or Recce. These guys are the special forces of UGAF. They dare to venture where the rest of us wouldnt unless we had some major advantage (like a nuke). They are highly trained in HAHO, HALO's & static line jumps, as well as fast roping, CQB and long range sniping. Charlie Troop - Based loosley on the RAF Regiment this small force act as Forward Air Controllers for our air element and provide ground to air protection for ground call signs. Both of these squads are looking for new members so if you like the sound of them come and try out!! We have also began our new campaign. The story of which is highly classified (Due to me not knowing what it is!! - BLAME G-MAN!!) however after a visit from SafteyCatch from our TF86 buddies we have taking on a dynamic sort of approach to it. We have completed our WW2 Prolouge mission and the first mission in the full blown campaign. Both were classed as a major success. For more information on this please view our website. UGAF would like to thank TF86 for there support and giving us the inspriation to carry out such a campaign (You calls never call or write, dont you love us anymore? :)) As of 04/06/2011 UGAF switched to Six Updater after the tireless efforts of Sickboy and some ninja configuration on our servers. We are unsure what we are going to do with our Yoma, which many of you use to update ACE2 but when a decision is reached we will let you all know! All in all UGAF is a really fun place to be at the moment with lots going on both in Arma and out. Be sure to come over and check us out, even if its for a casual game on the public server. You are always welcome. Have fun all Recon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
g-man-853 10 Posted July 5, 2011 Six Updater UGAF has switched to six updater (SU). The reason for this move is so that servers and clients will updated quicker and guarantee that we use the same versions as the rest of the community. Sickboy has worked very hard to help get this running on our server. To update and join UGAF servers. 1. All you need to do to join any UGAF servers is click on the links below depending on what server you are joining. This will ask you first time if you want to open Six Updater (SU). Say Yes. Public server six updater: sixupdater://folders.ugaf-addons.co.uk/six-repo1/UGAF_ACE_Dev.yml Private server six updater: sixupdater://folders.ugaf-addons.co.uk/six-repo1/UGAF_pvt_Server.yml For more details on using UGAF's Six updater repo click here -------------------------------------------------- UGAF Op Bison Op Bison is UGAF current campaign this started on 03/07/11. Debrief Summery Mission 1 was a convoy move to UGAF's main AO from Loy Manara Air Base to Rasman Outpost Jazz (Oupost 8 by Ei8ght.) This mission was a success. Convoy discipline was great the IED detection vehicle (from Reezo) detected all IED's along route and convoy reacted well. The engineer did get bugged and was unable to disarm. This was worked around by using .50 cal to destroy the IED's once the engineer confirmed area was cleared and cordoned. Reaction to small arms fire and RPG's was good still room for improvement but all units made it through. 1 x vehicle was hit and immobilised but once all were out of the killing area and re-orged,the vehicle was recovered. FOB Warrior by Argorden has also been used in this campaign. For more details on this mission click here Mission 2 is an undercover recce tasked to Romeo Troop (our Special Operations troop) and supported by all other UGAF squads. This starts 05/07/2011 at 1900zulu you can catch this on live on our live stream channel here or on the front page of our website www.ugaf.co.uk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
g-man-853 10 Posted November 21, 2011 As it is that time of the year where we loose community members to other games. We at UGAF have decided to run a public event and welcome all who would like to take part. This mission has been designed to use MCC. Detailed Warning Order: http://www.ugaf.co.uk/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=42 &id=6004&Itemid=192 Summary: Mission is to grab enemy leaders from a meeting location and on route we take an enemy base at Feruz Abad. Roles needed: - Infantry - SF Team - JTAC - Mechanized Crew - Armored Crew - Pilots Number of needed roles depends on number of attendees. The more the merrier... up to 64 players. Please register for this event here Registration to the website is required to register for an event. (If you are representing an ArmA2 squad/unit please give numbers of members who will be there and preferred role. If an individual registration please enter preferred role. This is done in the comments section in the event or main post.) Mission is quite scalable. Required addons: @ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_RU;@ACEX_USNavy;@ACEX_SM;@CBA;@ACRE,@JayArma2Lib addons to improve experience (sthud + JSRS + blastcorevisuals) ALL THESE ADDONS ARE THE LATEST VERSIONS FOUND ON SIXUPDATER Sixupdater Preset: sixupdater://folders.ugaf-addons.co.uk/six-repo1/UGAF_ACE_Dev.yml TS: pw: thunder68 Actual mission start time is 2000 GMT. We start gathering the troops one hour before to check technical issues for those who are not sure to be able to connect, by playing a warm up mission. Support on TS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites