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looked and searched - i even tested but cant figure it out

whats the formula to convert daytime (12.5) to actual time (12.30)... ?

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dayTime returns the current ingame time in hours. You can use it as condition in a script or trigger. Example: 22.5 = 10:30PM

? (dayTime > 22.5) : {"What a dark night!"};

Edited by Imutep

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You could try converting it from the command date. It returns I think 5 variables, and the last one or two is the time in hours.

Either that or you could just make a function to read day time. :)

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Damn BIS, making it all ready for us. All the custom functions I made for my arty addon are now useless :D


Forget what I posted and just use the BIS way :)

Different function

Edited by Fincuan

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thnx for the replies but none of this helps me :(

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